Would it matter which enterprise or star destroyer was used?

  • Bahnd Rollard@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    My nerd herd have done this sci-fi “my dad can beat up your dad” scenerio a lot and we usually come to similar conclusions, and they all depend on the scale of whats involved and the objective

    Trek wins the tech side and individual ship preformance, but if there an objective (other than disabling the other force) then Star Wars wins because their FTL is the best in most all of sci-fi and they would out logistics Trek. Even though they arnt included in the prompt, if the objective involved a ground team or invasion 40k would win (space marines are basicly walking tanks compared to other settings, and there are tons of them), and barring Master Chief being involved, the Halo setting sorta is behind the 8-ball compared to most other settings.