“No homo” – Steve
“No homo” – Steve
What happened to indigenous people and women? I swear I saw one just an hour ago so it seems like they still exist. Maybe not?
Oh I think we all know.
Is that dude turning orange?
“Generate me an image of a crocodile shedding tears”
The Reddit populace is pretty leftie. Except for the occasional brave soul commenting here and there, you have to search out certain subreddits to hear conservative views.
Not that your app has anything to do with that, of course.
You’re left with wing nuts?
There’s so much hand waving and speculation here. For example, the amount of water that Microsoft uses to cool its data centers is a global number right? Not California specific. And for that matter, if those data centers are in the Bay area that’s not going to matter for firefighting in Los Angeles, I wouldn’t think. AI makes for kind of a convenient scapegoat right now.
Also, I thought we were blaming the fires on climate change and DEI?
Lies! All of it, lies!
Ha! That’s a good one.
And yet the card maker’s website says “we do not condone violence”.
It seems like this is not a case of “no rules or standards”. These platforms do have rules and standards. The article mentions them, in fact.
Like, seriously, can I get a phone that doesn’t have an AI assistant built in? I don’t mind AI in general but if it’s gonna be an assistant type thing, I would rather seek it out. I don’t want it always available and ready to jump in.