Lilygo uses old stock bb keyboards, I think. Looks exactly like the one an employer had me carry.
Lilygo uses old stock bb keyboards, I think. Looks exactly like the one an employer had me carry.
It’s a menu driven system management tool for IBM’s AIX unix variant. Oddly enough, even Wikipedia shows the relationship from SMIT to YaST. Instead of just smile and nod, next time make up something about “smitty print” (damn near everything was under the “print submenu”, ostensibly because you were printing out the config to screen), and look like you are a grizzled veteran of corporate unix from the days of yore.
I always viewed YaST as SMIT(ty) for linux. Haven’t looked at suse in forever, though.
Swapping out tubes (and opamps on your DAC) is very much a thing, and I’m convinced that I can hear the difference between a sovtek tube and a Chinese clone, but that could be all in my head, as it wasn’t a blind test. Do some research on the amps, but for computer use, Fosi mc331 has an integrated DAC and puts out about 100w per channel. If my computer didn’t already have active studio monitors, I’d have pulled the trigger on it by now. For $116, it’s hard to resist.
If you can, I highly recommend you try it out. There’s relatively inexpensive tube amps, even on Amazon that you could play with and box back up if it’s not your cup of tea. I just looked at the compressor I use and the price has gone up to a point where it doesn’t make much sense anymore, but it is SUPER useful to add some warmth in between a digital source and the class d amps I use in my PA system.
I’m curious if you’ve tried listening to lossy compressed audio through a vacuum tube output stage? I use a cheap tube compressor with the attack and release turned to minimal and just a little bit of extra makeup gain so that the tube colors the audio a small amount. Think of it like sanding the layer lines of a 3d print, but for audio. It does introduce a small amount of hiss and colors the midrange a bit more prominently, but you can eq that out.
If you are using the files played back at different tempos or keyshifted, the difference between lossy and lossless is a lot more apparent. For standard playback at normal pitch, mp3 is just fine.
Every time I try to slow down my car, I hear chopped up and recontextualized Amens…
I hate it that you’re so right about this.
This has nothing to do with DeepSeek. The world has run out of flashy leather jackets for Jensen to wear, so nvidia is toast.
I’m delusional, then. Spotify hasn’t paid me a red cent, but piracy has indirectly put money in my pocket and food on my table.
Sometimes it does. Piracy drives up sales of traditional media (think: vinyl), as well as increasing crowd size at live performances. Also, merch sales scale with awareness of an artist. All of these things equal the payout of millions of plays on spoffy.
I did not know this.
The Salesperson is incredibly important. They take the person responsible for making the purchase decision out to lunch and for rounds of golf, after all!
I cannot count the number of times I was able to fire off an email with a status update to the PM “JIRA is down, again, I completed XYZ, update your gantt charts, my part is done.” I know that they paid a whole team of folks to craft the interrelations of those tasks for a system that hardly ever worked.
Allow me to regale you with a tale of Sun Identity Manager and XPRESS. A strange mangling of xml and pseudo javascript-esque pile of shit used for identity transformations for disparate systems.
On second thought, let’s just not. I’d rather let that PTSD inducing memory slowly fade away, much like SunIDM did after Larry bought them to poach their customer base.
The world would be a better place without you.
Bo Burnham sounds like a fucking idiot. Despite his size, Goliath was defeated by a well placed projectile.