I think even if you put the speech bubble next to the phone it would be fine, since the phone uses a different speech bubble style than the previous panel
I think even if you put the speech bubble next to the phone it would be fine, since the phone uses a different speech bubble style than the previous panel
bloons td 6 and super auto pets (on mobile and PC)
also mindustry
according to Google, cat purrs are at a specific frequency that somehow helps you heal faster
chat is this real…
(assuming your post isn’t a joke) it is impossible to cause a nuclear reaction by cutting cucumbers.
the biggest innacuracy in this comic is that as the panel zooms in on the cucumber atoms, the knife looks exactly the same. if it was realistic it would just be a bunch of metal atoms pushing aside a bunch of cucumber atoms, not a sharp knife slicing through individual atoms.
source? (asking for a friend)