It will likely take awhile for this to have any effect. I know at least in my state (ME) the utility needs to give a 30 day notice of rate hike and then that needs to then go to committee within public utility commission, who will basically arbitrate the request for increase.
Consequently, my supplier of electricity is a wholly owned Canadian company…so they’d actually be paying the increase until a rate hike was approved. Also, would a punitive rate hike even be approved?
They have enough trouble getting a 1% rate hike though for building infrastructure.
Edit: Although I’m not up to speed on if the affected states have set rates or variable rates.
Sucks for us. We deserve it.
The same strange dichotomy exists there as well. It’s likely the logging trucks are employed by Irving, pulling logs from Irving owned forests going to Canadian mills. Irving of course being a Canadian company. It really shows how intertwined we are with the Canadian economy and how stupid this trade war is…
Personally I saw this coming and invested in a smallish solar setup last fall. Hopefully build it out this summer to help deal with the energy shock. Also using oil to heat, which is refined in Canada, so long term need to get a heat pump and add more panels.