1 个月前I guess I should have been more clear. My “Docker VM” is an Ubuntu VM (running on the same Proxmox host as my “File server” VM) that I will be using to deploy docker containers. I am trying to mount the SMB share on the Ubuntu VM and will pass that to the containers as a volume.
Here’s a discussion about whether to install on the host vs making a separate VM to serve the files. I don’t know if there’s a right or wrong way to do this, but since I’m running mergerfs/snapraid I figure I’d put it in a VM to keep it separate from Proxmox.
I ended up getting it to work by checking the permissions on the Samba server. The folders were owned by the right user (uid=1000) but not the right gid (gid=something else). chown’d everything to 1000:1000 and 775 permissions and now everything is functioning as expected. Thanks for the help!