• 1 Post
Joined 5 个月前
Cake day: 2024年10月2日

  • Here’s a discussion about whether to install on the host vs making a separate VM to serve the files. I don’t know if there’s a right or wrong way to do this, but since I’m running mergerfs/snapraid I figure I’d put it in a VM to keep it separate from Proxmox.

    I ended up getting it to work by checking the permissions on the Samba server. The folders were owned by the right user (uid=1000) but not the right gid (gid=something else). chown’d everything to 1000:1000 and 775 permissions and now everything is functioning as expected. Thanks for the help!

    1. Are you saying to mount the disks on the Proxmox host and share them with the containers? I’ve seen people prefer to keep the host “clean” and run something else like OMV in a VM to handle the file serving. I’m using Ubuntu instead mainly as a learning exercise, as I already have OMV installed on bare metal on my main server. I’m passing my SATA controller through to the file server VM and it’s going to be running mergerfs and Snapraid, and sharing the merged pool via samba.
    2. So I need to make sure there’s a user with uid/gid 1000 on the SMB host that has write access to the folder I’m sharing? I think this is already the case but I’ll double check.

    This is a 2nd server I’m building to back up data from my main NAS. The goal is to set up something like restic to back up my important pictures/documents/etc. Since the CPU on this also has Quicksync I’m planning to use it for Jellyfin and migrate my Radarr/Sonarr stack over.