I run it locally on a 4080, how do they capture my keystrokes?
I run it locally on a 4080, how do they capture my keystrokes?
Ignoring him and getting better ties with China
You can’t request media?
I liked playing tachanka on R6, tht is short for TheHolyTachanka
Nah democracy doesn’t work, I would rather it stay the vanguard system and rule the world
Is that not a nazi salute?
They are just capitalist with some welfare, nothing left-wing about them
He is gonna be regarded as a free speech hero now isn’t he
They are rich because they exploit us bruv
Idk bruv, who makes the phones, it’s not the billionaires
I’m still on an ender 3
I actively used to distro-hop multiple times a day, I would have my steam library on an external hard disk and I was like “I’ll use arch in the morning and Gentoo later”
This is braindead, are they gonna require background checks for the hardware store next?
People usually call me a tankie
Hitler killed them on purpose
It shows he tried his best and was sad when he failed, he cared for his people
Its a leftist space that sometimes has trolls
Better for my data to be in China than in the US