Unless you know the bare minimum about the thing you want to outlaw, let the adults handle outlawing it.
Unless you know the bare minimum about the thing you want to outlaw, let the adults handle outlawing it.
I don’t think anybody said that. Also, nobody’s telling you how to feel. Democrats regularly sponsor and vote for evil shit, that’s a fact, feelings don’t enter into it.
He’s absolutely wrong. A lot of the same reps who voted for the evil shit I mentioned 20 years ago are still around. Democrats sponsor and vote for evil shit to this day. How many times has the Patriot act been extended? The RESTRICT act was bipartisan. The fact that they wear a pride flag while doing it doesn’t absolve them.
I didn’t say they’re the same. They don’t have to be the same to both suck. Fuck you for telling me how to vote. You got a lot of nerve.
Idk what you thought you read, but someone said “Democrats aren’t evil” and I said “yes they are and here are a few examples of them being evil” and that’s actually a pretty simple argument and I’m still not sure what your point is
My argument is that they are evil. I made that argument to someone who said that they are not evil. Do you have a point?
Fine, vote your conscience. I was replying to a guy who said Democrats aren’t evil. That guy is wrong. Less evil doesn’t mean not evil.
Democrats voted for Afghanistan, Iraq, the Patriot act, and countless other evil legislation. They’re absolutely evil. So they’re less evil than the Republicans, so what? Should I give them a cookie?
The best way to be taken seriously is to show how misinformed you are about the subject you’re pontificating on
They don’t have to be the same to both suck. The lesser evil is, by definition, evil.
Exactly, she’s a victim. A victim of the life she chose and worked really hard to achieve. I bet she cries herself to sleep every night on her Scrooge McDuck style piles of cash.