• 14 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 1st, 2023


  • We’ve tried for years to tell them, without political sway or swagger, that the direction they’re going in with this poor excuse of a ‘man’ is devastating them inward and outward. The laundry list of evidence is there.

    But all that they’re going to do is yell at us about how we’re a part of Deep State, our news is ‘FAKE’, our findings are from sources distrusted by them. That because we’re smarter than them by being informed, their insecurity levels will reach all time highs and we’ll be threatened against through use of force by their choice.

    These are really the kinds of people that just has to learn the hard way. They’re the kind of people that stay behind during tornadoes and hurricanes as they all go “wow…that’s amazing” as everything is destroyed around them and they’re at high risk of being taken along for a painful ride.

  • Fuck them. It’s their choice. This conman will sell them all out again when he gets the chance.

    This voterbase of his are living in an entire universe of their own from ours. They’ve been convinced that any negative that happens, is “winning” against their opposers. The easily duped. The mislead. The fools. They know not any better even in the face of reason and logic. Even as their friends and family have died, gotten jailed or been fucked over by the very party they continue voting for who lied to them about how they were going to “make this country great again”.

    So at this point, these people are systematically committing suicide by political association.

  • I read all of this and totally agree. I got a good laugh out of the snippet of the comment you pulled about making coconuts out of a radio on a desert island example. Because you know that’s pretty damn true.

    What I find obnoxious with Linux and always had to this day, was the pretentiousness of some users that will spend any waking minute to browbeat anyone into using Linux. They always show up whenever someone has something to complain about with Microsoft Windows, big or small. Never fails, both ironically and unironically.

    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, THE moment people realize how much tinkering they’ll have to spend time at the terminal for, will turn them away from Linux. Yeah sure you’ve got the software library manager which is leaps and bounds an improvement. But by and large, you will still do a lot of installing, configuring, troubleshooting and more with the terminal. You’re going to be required to know commands and it’s going to require a lot of time at the search engine.

    And nearly nobody has the patience for that at all. They want a computer and they want the operating system to do everything they want it to do for them. Windows just does that for them and more.

    Linux to me, will always be a OS of choice for any laptop new or old that I get. It will never have a sniff at taking over my desktop because I just know that if I ran a Linux OS full-time everyday, that my limits will have been exhausted and I’ll be running back to Windows in no time. All because Linux can’t do everything I would want it to do, despite the progress it has made and it’s progress that shouldn’t be scoffed at either considering the long way it has come to be where it is today.

    People who proudly proclaim they’re going to Linux whenever MIcrosoft shoots their feet off, is just making a rebellious statement. Who knows for real as to how comfortable they’d really be if they were using Linux 24/7.

  • Point still stands though.

    If nobody finds your shit funny, they don’t find it funny. It isn’t because they’re a “snowflake” or that they “don’t get it”. Not everywhere and everyone needs to hear your shitty jokes because you feel you need to “lighten up” the world.

    People just want to amuse themselves and blanket it as if it’s supposed to be some positive contribution. Who’re you trying to fool?

  • I don’t really know where you’re getting the idea that nobody can joke anymore on serious matters. I see it all of the time, go look at Reddit for example and browse r/news. There’s always at least 50 people making punchline jokes on otherwise serious matters.

    The problem is when people expect their jokes to fly in the faces of communities that explicitly state that they don’t want that crap around. Then when the people who joke around are offended, in come cries about freedom of this and freedom of that. Dude, it’s one community, cut it out and go elsewhere. Not everyone should have to tolerate your low-hanging fruit kind of humor.

    And a lot of the time too, is that people absolutely DO NOT know when something is stepping over the line. It’s the fault of the individual for not making the line apparent, but when they do, there’s a point where joking is not warranted.