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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 1st, 2024


  • MLK advanced civil rights by being a nuisance. Gandhi pushed Britain out of India by being a nuisance. I’m sure there are others.

    It is in the nature of protest to be disruptive. It has to be. If it isn’t, it gets ignored. Climate change is getting ignored. What would you rather they do, go deface an oil refinery? That’ll just get them arrested and the news suppressed. Big public displays that can’t be hushed are the only way to make sure your message reaches the world. These folks have been considerate enough to make sure that message didn’t permanently damage its canvas. I don’t know what more you could ask from them.

  • Ah yes, it’s holding back the massive sweeping wave of change currently going on to fix climate change.

    No, don’t be a dumbass. It’s raising awareness, because it’s obvious nobody is giving a shit about this really fucking massive problem that is directly on our doorstep. Painting Stonehenge isn’t going to accomplish anything except be a nuisance, but being a nuisance is how you compel people to get shit done non-violently. MLK and his sit-ins pushed civil rights forward by being a nuisance. Gandhi pushed Britain out of India by being a nuisance. If you accept the status quo, the status quo will remain. You have to get out and make noise and attract a following if you want the folks in charge to pay attention to your existence.

    Trust me, you want them painting on Stonehenge for attention. This is the non-violent option. When this is ignored long enough, the non-violent option will be shelved and that’s when people will suddenly start paying attention.

    “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.” - John F. Kennedy, 1962

  • If we had an appropriate scheduling for it so that it could be properly researched and manufactured we could just treat it like every other plant-based medicine we have (of which there are VERY many) - isolate and extract the compounds you’re interested in and recombine them in a pill or gel or aerosol form. Making supplements or tinctures or whatever, from cannabis, wouldn’t be any more difficult than creating aspirin from willow. The only reason it’s difficult is because it’s so highly scheduled that nobody is allowed to work with it.

  • Great write up, only thing I disagree on is the buffoon packs, I take those things all the time. Around the same cost as a mid level joker but you get a choice of several to pick from, often at least one of which would normally be more expensive than the pack was. They’re not always winners but the value is often good. And standard packs are one of the primary sources of really good deck cards, otherwise you’re relying entirely on tarot cards to buff your deck after you have a good joker setup and that can get dicey. Use discretion, but I take packs of all sorts more often than I don’t so long as I can stay above or at least near the interest cap while doing so. My buying priorities usually go Voucher(if I can afford it) > Packs > Voucher(if I can’t afford it yet) > Shop > Reroll.

    But I’m also not an expert by any means, I have similar stats to yours.