UFO (or xcom) - enemy unknown.
UFO (or xcom) - enemy unknown.
It’s Interesting how Dunlop spent his life wrestling with a suffocating corporate command and control structure to implement a system to facilitate a suffocating corporate command and control structure, while Engelbart was presenting ways of facilitating the expression of ideas with the machine. Dunlop’s work with IBM is probably best left in the garage, along with IBM.
Thank you for illustrating my point!
I’m starting to warm up to this stuff. There is a future rapidly hurtling towards us where, if you take the time to read and think for yourself, you will become a genius. It was happening already in some stem fields where people used GUI tools without ever reading what the buttons did, and if you took the time to read the manuals and the underlying methods, you could become vastly more competent than anybody else in your team. This “AI” bullshit is just extending the lazy culture out to every piece of information on the web, where average Joe is already unable to concentrate beyond 140 characters. Those that take the time to learn the fundamentals and read deeply will have vastly superior knowledge of any subject, while the majority will be spoon fed superficial summaries filled with errors and no way of realising.
ha yes! that is depressingly likely to be 100% correct.
so sega realised that rather than sell a retro console once, they can sell a reboot filled with DLC and monthly subscriptions forever. nice.
I hope they don’t embark on a purge of all the original versions across the web, as is the trend at the moment from likes of Blizzard, and shackle old titles with new restrictions.
they still pulled them from GoG. Why not release them there for free? Epic slapped its legacy fanbase in the face with its handling of the Unreal series and then dumped it on the internet archive to wash its hands of it. They have no respect for their own heritage. This is not the same company that once released the likes of the titan pack as free DLC. It’s just a shadow of it’s former self, pushing fortnite micro transaction trash.
The Amiga was difficult to program and lacked easily accessible documentation. A lot of software was developed to be ported across platforms like the Atari ST and dos, and so the Amiga often didn’t get the dedicated attention it required. At the time, people would compare the Amiga to the mega drive (genesis) and SNES - it was all about the games, while the Amiga could create and not just consume. If commodore had dropped a game from the bundles and stuffed some books and a couple of dev tools then the story might have been a bit different. They bundled deluxe paint and created a long lasting legacy of artists. If they included Amos or Blitz basic they might have played more into the bedroom programmer scene of the 80s, which dipped a bit during the console years and has seen a resurgence over the last decade, which is in no small part due to the proliferation of high quality development tools. If the scorpion engine had existed for the A1200 at the time, commodore might not have needed to worry about the hardware.