Boss announces he will break the law.
Migrated from, which now appears to be dead. Sadly lost my comment history in the process. Let’s start fresh.
Boss announces he will break the law.
Thing is, I am actually Gen X. Early even. And I look at the Boomers and see the generation who kept pulling up the ladder. They got free education and privatised it to make it expensive for us. They got free healthcare and privatised it to make it expensive. They got into the housing market for cheap and started using it as an investment and speculation vehicle, making it harder for each subsequent generation to get into it. They were pretty much the last generation in which it was possible to raise a family on a single income. Climate change is front and center of mind in my generation, we’ve known for over 30 years what’s coming. When you look at those who most fervently oppose climate change action - all old fogeys, and I say that being very conscious of the fact that I am approaching ‘old fogey’ status from the perspective of Gen Z and Gen Alpha.
I can only imagine how todays teenagers and young adults feel…
Aber wird man als Anhänger abwegiger Theorien nicht so regelmäßig verarscht, dass man mit der Zeit Antennen für so etwas entwickelt?
Wenn sie in der Lage dazu wären, dann würden sie vermutlich gar nicht erst auf viele dieser abwegigen Theorien hereinfallen. Das ist doch genau die Zielgruppe vieler dieser Was-weiss-ich-Theorien - Leute, die einfältig genug sind, auf Unsinn hereinzufallen, den ein halbwegs rational denkender Mensch i.d.R. klar als Unsinn erkennt.
Teenagers today were born in the aftermath of a global financial crisis, are seeing war after war after war, grow up with the knowledge that the world is going to shit and the older generations aren’t willing to do anything about it. They see everyone pull up the ladder behind them, the ‘fuck you I got mine’ mentality is everywhere.
And TikTok is to blame for their mental health?
Specific to subway surfing: I’m 46, and I know this stuff happened when I was a kid. There were no social media back then to show you, but somehow kids still these got stupid ideas. It seems like social media is just the new video games are the new comic books are the new heavy metal is the new whatever scapegoat society wants to use to blame for its own deliberate shortcomings in bringing up the next generation.
Der Artikel traut den Faschos leider viel zu viel Allgemeinkenntnis zu. Von den Risiken, die Flüchtlinge auf dem Weg in ein sicheres Land eingehen, haben die doch absolut null Ahnung, und es ist denen auch schnurzpiepe, ob Flüchtlinge ersaufen, vergewaltigt werden oder sonstiges Missgeschick erleiden. Hauptsache ‘die’ kommen nicht nach Deutschland.
Ask that question again when it’s a site that you need to use.
Only a week or two ago people were arguing on Lemmy that the fact Microsoft wants to use this facility shows nuclear is economically viable.
I was wondering how they could keep a straight face…
Actually, he seems to be a guy who’s just gallivanting all over the world and posting about it on social media, while others are doing the hard work.
Then again, all I have to go by is his LinkedIn profile…