It’s shitty but to be honest also to be expected. Why would a Chinese company pay American devs significantly higher salaries after game launch instead of getting a China based team for a fraction of the cost. Americans are good but not that good
It’s shitty but to be honest also to be expected. Why would a Chinese company pay American devs significantly higher salaries after game launch instead of getting a China based team for a fraction of the cost. Americans are good but not that good
DEI is some zealous American Puritanism which has no relevance in France, so I’m confused how he made the connection?
I don’t know. Most of my games are on Steam but I have lots of games on EA, Ubisoft, Epic Games, GoG and Blizzard platforms, not to mention Battlepass. But yeah Steam is dominant but it’s third party and not controlled by Microsoft
The criticism of SBI is often hyperbolic but there’s a real issue there. Rich people profiting off the puritanical sensibilities of the American upper middle class at time does have a negative impact on the writing of games. Management not trusting their own internal developers is usually frowned upon. That MAGA idiots are attempting to hijack this issue is not surprising, but honestly they are handed this one way too easily.
What a high quality shit post. You Americans are just inherently useless, online and offline. All of you. Without exception