Doesn’t translate with Asian countries. Glasses are dirt cheap whereas lasik operations are pretty expensive af.
I’m curious why you pirate movies but not music. Seems an odd line to draw?
Ironically enough I do the reverse. I pay for Netflix and pirate music. My reasoning is there are some Netflix programs that are hard to find on the high seas. (Asian films) If they were easy to pirate I would not pay a cent.
The most cost-effective way will always be a pair of glasses.
I’m too poor and cowardly to have a laser fix my eyes.
I also noticed redoing a search sometimes yields different results despite using the exact same keywords.
Everything that Zucc and Musk touch end up bad.
Countries with mutual treaties are going to get attacked. China would definitely take Taiwan and maybe the Philippines.
I’m testing removing Google from my life for some time now.
The premise of time travel movies is a person being able to be present at a different time to their original timeline. So I guess you could say a Groundhog Day type of movie is a subgenre of the time travel genre.
We’re truly in a dystopian future when big tech nerds are doing mafia hits. Reminds me of that guy in Better Call Saul that hired Mike as a bodyguard.