I fucking hate Adobe.
I fucking hate Adobe.
These fucking headlines.
Hey LA Times, how about
“Air Force conducts routine unarmed test launch of ballistic missile”
or something similar that doesn’t make me panic and think “wtf have these circus clowns done now?” Plenty of “shit-your-pants” scary headlines happening just now, no need to make up new ones just for the clicks.
This. That the Times has the balls to call this out now is really something.
Enshittification is everywhere.
This is beautiful.
“a single candy bar–sized omnivitamin”. 😂
While fentanyl is deadly serious, the “crisis” of it flowing over the US border is the made-up emergency on which Trump bases his legitimate authority to levy these tariffs. Without an emergency he would have no legal basis to fuck around like this without violating our trade agreements (which he signed last time around), so it’s part of the narrative, regardless of any amount of truth to it.
The “crisis” will end only when they determine it is no longer useful to pursue these tactics and switch to some other type of fuckery. It’s just as likely that he will declare them resolved as a face-saving measure so he can stop the bleeding at home. Art of the deal!