Well, given you’re on a .ca instance, you’re likely Canadian, so $400 probably is 600 loonies.
Well, given you’re on a .ca instance, you’re likely Canadian, so $400 probably is 600 loonies.
Because it’s a false narrative, entry level steamdeck can be had for $399.
Uh, base Steamdeck is $399.
If a Nazi sits at a table with ten other people and everyone is talking cordially, you’ve got a table of 11 Nazis.
This mother fucker saw a Nazi and said “HEY BRO SIT OVER HERE.”
It’s not a joke.
I’m on-side with socialism - but to be fair, most of the real world examples that call/called themselves socialist do have a pretty bad track record of descending into totalitarianism/authoritarianism.
Totally agree, it’s a bit of a shit show to get running.
Good to know - will make sure I set that VM’s IP as static.
Seriously, those freeloading babies need to get a pair of bootstraps
Bog standard totalitarianism. Not socialism.
Is there actually anything to maintain with the mongoDB for ubiquiti network controller? I set it up using a script on a VM, adopted my APs, shut down the VM and promptly forgot about it. I still have the image to spin up whenever, but I was under the impression it wasn’t necessary.
Aeyo, Kevin O’Leary is solidly a Boomer.
If it’s wrong, then I want my money back. If they revoke the promise of returning what is due to me in retirement after years of paying into the system, then fuck them, I want it back. Every cent.