This being inane, asinine and banal at the same time must be a personal best for the maker of this comic
I have a trauma-based personality disorder, which sometimes manifests itself in episodes of often uncontrollable bouts of verbal violence. I prefer to direct this to people on the internet (as opposed to actual people), as I don’t wish to be violent towards people I actually care about.
This being inane, asinine and banal at the same time must be a personal best for the maker of this comic
'merica - fuck yeah
Comin’ in to save the motherfucking day-yeah
in terms of fact checking the correct writing in German… nope
Going through this the posting history of this user, I have a hunch he plays by the alt-right playbook. Which reminded me of a video I saw recently with such a term in the title, and an entire playlist of such:
Also, while interacting online with creatures such as this user, I think it is important to always remember: don’t feed the trolls. Now with the alt-right trolls, such as with AI-bots, they’ve learned to mimic human ways enough to fool you into believing you are speaking with an actual rational human being, and it is easy to be lured into a fruitless argument with someone who plays by a different ruleset than you. But remember! DON’T FEED THE TROLLS.