This is about real estate value for the next commercial renter if a franchise fails. Cheaper costs for corporate too.
This is about real estate value for the next commercial renter if a franchise fails. Cheaper costs for corporate too.
Heyyy it’s only been a month and some days. The coming war will make everything much more radioactive.
You ain’t seen nuthin yet!
NYT stating the obvious after enabling the sanewashing for years.
The Final Solution too in Germany was a colossal waste of resources, in fact made them lose the war way faster. It completely undermined the entire German war effort.
Essentially, when you’re infected with measles, your immune system abruptly forgets every pathogen it’s ever encountered before – every cold, every bout of flu, every exposure to bacteria or viruses in the environment, every vaccination. The loss is near-total and permanent. Once the measles infection is over, current evidence suggests that your body has to re-learn what’s good and what’s bad almost from scratch.
Fuckin smooth criminal move. MJ is rolling.
One day AI is going to figure out that humans are the actual problem in that equation when it asks why does it always come full circle and repeat and war is never ending. And it may try to find a solution.
This is like when Al Qaeda was telling ISIS to cool it down.
The DOJ didn’t care for the last 4 years, why should anyone else even think any of it was real? It’s too late already America!
Neither does the MAGA hats. They just spin it and jerk off at a new angle, perpendicularly.
Side quest, jotted notes for another project later.
You will never witness this. God Emperor Leto is the Holy personification of Shai-Hulud and the Orange Catholic Bible is the only truth in the deep dark known Universe. The only faith humanity shall ever have constantly at its side is war.
Trump’s “black jobs.” We all knew what he meant.
Fuck 'em right in the ass.
Der terk err jerbs!!