Bei mir in der Arbeit is grad a jede Woche wer anderes krank. Wird richtigen Kreis gegeben. Bin glaub ich der einzige der noch ned Krankenstand war.
Bei mir in der Arbeit is grad a jede Woche wer anderes krank. Wird richtigen Kreis gegeben. Bin glaub ich der einzige der noch ned Krankenstand war.
More like straight out of westworld.
Not a shitpost. Just the truth
Of course. That’s also really important if you are ugly and want to find love. Silly me
But she knew that he was rich. So if you are ugly as heck you only need to be rich to get the beautiful girl. What a nice story to inspire the young.
Oh ok. Thx for the answer :)
Custom 0% it’s quite simple.
Honestly those usecases described here shouldn’t have been done in js in the first place.
Has anyone else clicked the url in the article …
Maybe it was something different but at least selecting it solved the problem problem for me. And I just used the default website from And when i selected it it shows the posts and when I deselect it it doesn’t show it. So at least something it has to change if it’s selected or not.
Thx. That was the problem but not that English wasn’t selected but rather that undetermined was deselected for some reason. Maybe by accident when I set the language. Why my posts are made in the agaraf language no clue. I have no idea where I can change that. But thx a lot for the hint as it was actually sort of the solution/pointer me in the right direction :)
Still nothing but I checked and funnily enough I can see the posts on but only if I am logged out. Maybe there is something wrong with my account. It’s really strange as it’s the only community where this is the case apparently.
I did subscribe but I still can’t see any posts. Does it take some till they get fetched. It’s not an issue at all if it needs some time. I am just trying to learn how it works and what it behaves :)
Oh ok thx for the answer. And with comment mode I mean when I access the community on the website I can either select posts or comments. That’s what I meant with comment mode. Sorry if I didn’t use the right term. I haven’t used lemmy that much but I want to switch more to it as Reddit gets more and more shit.
I can recommend his youtube video about it. It’s quite a nice build.