Depends on what value you place on your consumption data. I’d argue the scheme participants are the ones paying a premium.
Depends on what value you place on your consumption data. I’d argue the scheme participants are the ones paying a premium.
You’re thinking about about it all wrong. Treat it like a 3€ per month sub and a 2€ donation to one of the leading lights/centers of expertise for digital freedom and privacy. Or a €4.50 fee and a €.50 donation. Or €2.50 each way.
There’s nothing truly vital in 2020s filmmaking that its counterparts weren’t similarly adept at 50/70/100 years ago. The stuff that really counts like acting. editing and scene composition doesn’t corrode over the decades because it’s gold
I wonder whether it ever occurs to normies that surrendering PII in order to transact amounts to hidden cost inflation
Alfred emerged from the densest part of the eucalptus grove. All around him, his tiny bots unobtrusively kept pace. Every one was in violation of local law, containing not a single chip in thrall to the Department of Homeland Security. While Vaz continued to play Bollywood exec through the public net, these devices provided him with his own network and countermeasures.
Rainbows End (Vernor Vinge)
You’re not sick of technology you’re sick of not having real control of technology
The government plan features a potentially controversial scheme to unlock public data to help fuel the growth of AI businesses. This includes anonymised NHS data, which will be available for “researchers and innovators”
‘We are concerned that if data and weights are FOSS, people will develop their own tools, which will work for them by definition and not us, thereby increasing people’s autonomy from us. So the data will not be publicly available’
Vendor Electronics Show
Can’t object to what you (normally) can’t see.