Coal use isn’t decreasing though, is it? Domestic supplies will keep that in business for another hundred years.
Energy security is why China is going hard on renewables. Thst’s not a bad thing, but put on your realist cap for a bit.
Coal use isn’t decreasing though, is it? Domestic supplies will keep that in business for another hundred years.
Energy security is why China is going hard on renewables. Thst’s not a bad thing, but put on your realist cap for a bit.
Blockading the Malacca Strait isn’t a worry for China when domestic production and Russian inports fill the gap.All of this green energy helps tremendoualy for keeping the country ticking along during a time of war.
Energy security for China is the real benefit here, it’a nothing to do with being environmental.
China’s plans for taking control of Taiwan are falling into place.
Will they ever be available? Completely illegal in the UK as it’d never pass the safety tests. After all, that front hitting someone would be insta-death.
Upgrading the grid infrastucture is a massive undertaking in some countries.
The UK grid is built around coal generation. With the shift to offshore wind away from population centres, new tranmission cables are required. Sadly there is excessive wind generation and suppliers are paid to shutdown. It is laughable.
But yes, with more renewables it will improve.
Ignoring the question, but still interested in your story.
You moved to China on your own at 16? That’s wild, almost unbelievable.
How did you get a working visa at that age?
I thought you’d at least have a chuckle when you realised that it was night time when you made your dumb comment.
Over the last 12 months it is 25% solar and 13% wind. The population centres on the east coast are worse than WA, SA and TAS in that regard.
Yes, 45% of coal generated electricity is awful, but you were still incorrect in saying Australia is doing nothing.
A collosal solar farm and transmission cable to Singapore is under construction which is will be a great achievement when complete.
Norway regularly has very high energy prices… in fact, they’re so high they want to cut exports.
The reason they’re high is because of the grid in other countries being hit by low wind or grey sky days, pushing up the minimum pricing that they’re also subjected to by being part of the same grid.
There are other cables as well. One of them runs through the chunnel. The UK regularly gets upto 10% of its supply from France (seasonal, time, cost dependant)
The sun doesn’t shine at night. Have a look when it is daytime there and you’ll see upwards of 60% of their electricity is solar.
Or use the EM site and check for past statistics.
Read more of the Wikipedia article, you almost literally made it to the part where no one was living there prior to European arrival.
O&G production is in massive decline in the UK. Norway ramps up production to sell to Europe.
UK will just import more LNG from Qatar instead of drill more wells off the English coast and let its industry die. It’s the coal mines all over again.
Who was living in the Chagos Islands prior to European arrival?
Reverse proxy + LetsEncrypt + DuckDNS + DNS rewrite to point it at local IP is all you need. Works quite well for all my services.
I prefer Keepass as it is less faff as a password manager is too critical to host like this imo.
Am i missing something? You didn’t write anything in this comment chain, yet have inserted yourself.
Are people not allowed to reply to sarcasm?