Beer was far from cheap in Nova Scotia, at least when I lived there.
Beer was far from cheap in Nova Scotia, at least when I lived there.
Which LLM are you?
Haha, I would never do that to myself. I just get a quick glimpse of the bare 'net when I try the web browser built into Steam. My DNS is mostly filtering telemetry right now, while I leave the bulk of the blocking to uBlock Origin.
That one is terrible. I assume by “object” they mean “dog wearing accessories”. That captcha was made to trick humans.
Wait a second…
Caught in the act of snack
Vista is the OS that taught me the desktop compositor is capable of destroying game performance and latency
That head swap editing might be the best I’ve ever seen.
I played a lot of TetriNET and Subspace Continuum with my old online community. Great times.
More detail edit: TetriNET walked so Tetris 99 could run. Version 1 does not install on Windows anymore (but has a Linux version). Version 2 works, complete with its archaic user registration that asks for too many details.
Continuum is a large PvP arena Asteroids-like 2D space shooter. It’s on Steam now. Starts tough to control and with a high skill ceiling, so be wary of the veterans. The Death Star Battle map is a blast with a big group. It feels like trying to speed through a narrow maze on bumper boats during a huge battle.