I love my double edge razor.s.
I love my double edge razor.s.
I was going to paste the same link. :) Have my upvote instead.
Well, as the ‘characters’ in Friends are all dumb fucks, Ross may have already been the only sentient one. But that ws probably the joke anyway.
Wear comfortable cloths that fit you well.
…and last a long time. I buy relatively expensive clothes, but they last for many years. Fast fashion is not my thing.
Well it was not on my e/OS phone either, so I was a bit smug. My wife’s Android phone did have it. Did.
Don’t forget the morons who keep worshipping said pieces of shit. Even now, I run into Musk cultists regularly.
Same. I had a classmate who was JW (or rather, his parents were). He was an actual nice kid who was frendly to everybody, had a good sense of humor and was quite smart. One day, he fell in love with a girl outside of his community (i.e. not a JW). He got the choice of either being ostracized or breaking up with her. That’s not a choice I’d want to make in my late teens. Last I heard of him is that he made it out.
My username is called after my first home brewed beer. It’s a portmanteau of a slur used for people of my city and the type of beer I brewed that day.
Because the Gulf of Mexico has oil?
Serious answer: when my sister had jaw surgery, the simply threw stuff in the blender. Make pasta sauce, add pasta, throw in blender. You’ll feel like an old person for a few weeks, but you’ll be fed.
Even more serious answer: what do your medical peoples say about this?
The Babylon 5 subplot about president Clarke and his regime comes to mind. The scene with the woman of the Ministry of Truth visits Babylon 5 and claims to have sollved problems by rewriting the dictionary does rhyme with certain events in my country.
OP, where do you live? I get thumbs up all the time. Sometimes as a greeting, sometimes as an encouragement (e.g. during a run), sometimes even as a means of communication in traffic.
You alraedy say it yourself in as many words, but we need more community. Where I am from, our country was ‘columnized’ up until the 1970s. You had a catholic ‘column’, a protestant ‘column’ and a socialist ‘column’, each with their own clubs. So you had a catholic football club, a protestant football club and a more public football club simultaneously. The same went for schools, pubs, etc.
For all the good and bad that gave us, people were shoehorned into their own communities (note my explicit use of ‘shoehorned’).
About 50 years ago, our society got ‘decolumnized’ and people got more individualistic. Add to it the rampant neoliberalism of the latest decades and well here we are: people do not know how to find each other anymore. I notice that many yourger people have similar questions like yours.
Do we need religion as in something to believe in or to have faith in? Possibly? However, I do not know what to believe in to be honest. Progress? Not going to live to see that anymore. It will get very ugly very soon. Maybe my kids will see things get better / more enligtened/ etc, but only after getting screwed over for a few decades I fear.
I do think that religion is not the answer. Men running around in dresses trying to force the ideas of mistranslated books written by goat herders several thousands of years ago are not to be taken seriously.
And that, dear kids, is why the European car industry is failing.
Quit university and learn a proper job.
(in the end I did, but it took way too long for me to make that decision)
The Brazilians know what they are talking about. It may be a good idea for the US to listen to some advice for a change.
The mid-2000s A-Team movie comes to mind. It was terrible. The casting was off and there was no real plot to speak of. However, it was so much over the top that it turned pretty funny actually. I probably won’t be watching it a second time though.
Mine is ‘Sangs of a Lost World’ by ‘the Cure’. It may even be my favourite Cure album.
I would love the Philip Morris board of directors to be Mangioned. You must be a special kind of evil to create mobile devices with the sole purpose of getting kids addicted to nicotine.