for large batches all you really need is a food safe container and some kind of filter like cheese cloth. i find it easier to cleanup and maintain than a lot of the more expensive ones sold as well.
for large batches all you really need is a food safe container and some kind of filter like cheese cloth. i find it easier to cleanup and maintain than a lot of the more expensive ones sold as well.
Look at that subtle off-white coloring. The tasteful thickness of it. Oh my God, it even has a watermark!
I guess it’s time to give Google campuses 1 Star reviews?
from your own source
There is a broad consensus among economists that protectionism has a negative effect on economic growth and economic welfare, while free trade and the reduction of trade barriers has a positive effect on economic growth.
A 2016 study found that “trade typically favors the poor”, as they spend a greater share of their earnings on goods, as free trade reduces the costs of goods
So to reduce costs of goods we will make cheap items from China cost more so USA made can compete at a higher price. why doesn’t the math work here? how does this result in a better economy?
my work we had test, stage and prod. test was very unstable as every merge auto deployed, so stage was semi stable where you would push changes you verified in test. then one day they decided to remove the stage environment. we have no data in test, other teams never passed data there, so we setup a semi production environment that has data and cost 10x as much. now they want to setup a stage environment to save costs but they don’t want to call it stage because that was bad and was too expensive. so they came up with a new name and are making everyone update to push data there. honestly i can’t take watching these people be praised for their innovation and promoted to make more of these shit decisions. the world’s gone mad and the madder you are the more you’re rewarded.