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Mantra: “We should focus our actions, time, and resources on Direct Action, Mutual Aid, and Community Outreach… No War but Class War!”

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[Song: Civil War]

  • 101 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2023


  • Ah, Ian Duncan.

    Oh, I have seen that Sinclair segment as well; I had to rewatch it though; it has been awhile.

    Don’t forget to be critical of him as well; he mostly sticks to certain talking points, like all late-night shows do: Bill Maher, Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, and many more.

    Some may push a little; one being, when Jon Stewart went on Stephen Colbert and talked about the Wuhan Lab Leak Theory, there was a good amount of blacklash from the establishment types.

    Thanks for sharing!

    Sinclair Broadcast Group: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) [18:59 | JUL 02 12 | LastWeekTonight]

    Sinclair Broadcast Group is the largest owner of local TV stations in the country. That’s alarming considering that they often inject political views into local news.

  • This post reminds me of the video below, where they talk about Sinclair Broadcast scripts:

    Pulling strings: Sinclair Broadcast’s ‘fake news’ scandal | The Listening Post [08:03 | APR 10 18 | Al Jazeera English]

    Corporations only share certain news and information with the public; we must not be afraid of being highly critical of those with power and influence, especially legacy media and politicians (government and three-letter agencies), due to most of them pushing owner-class talking points.

    By also following journalists that are critical of Al Jazeera, we lower our self made echochambers and bubbles:

    Qatar’s Al Jazeera provides valuable reporting from Gaza but spreads lies about Syria, Russia, and Venezuela.

    The speaker criticizes Qatar and Western liberalism for hypocritically supporting Palestinians on human rights but failing to support wider resistance against imperialism, stressing the need to shatter this hypocrisy for true liberation in Palestine.

    I shared these two quotes in a summary of a video post I made:

  • Edit: grammer and phrasing, improved a bit

    Edit2: removed, “People showing up to rallies is one thing, but l”, explaining zip code differences, not mentioned in article, it would be interesting to see data though

    Let us not delude ourselves into thinking that the polls do not show differences when looking at poll data from 2020 vs. 2024.

    Let us see if certain groups of people who supported Joe in 2020 will be showing up to vote in November 2024.

    It is not just Black Americans or Latino Americans where we are seeing a shift when looking at 2020 vs. 2024 data.

    It seems to be a barebones article, but it does have some information:

    “The roundtable setup featured Representative (and Trump V.P. wannabe) Byron Donalds, former Trump Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson, and Representative Wesley Hunt in attendance,” she writes. “The seats were positioned in a semi-arc facing a gaggle of cameras and sea of white people, and everyone looks abundantly unenthused to be there.”

    Jane goes on to explain how the Atlanta event was just one of a string of failed Black voter outreach efforts.

    “In May, Trump hosted a small rally in the Bronx to gin up the Black vote after an even smaller appearance at a Harlem bodega in April,” she writes. “And in June, Trump appeared at a Black church in Detroit before skipping off to a white nationalist convention. The church stunt was a flop: At least half the audience was white, none of the attendees reporters spoke with were actual congregants, and the megachurch’s pastor said people laughed in his face when he scrambled to find people to fill the pews for the event.”