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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 17th, 2023


  • When your neighbor waves a loaded gun in your face, do you whine about how no neighbors should be behaving like that? Is that effective? That’s basically begging for morality.

    Stop preaching morality to your foes. The servatives are too far gone. The billionaires are too far gone.

    No more hopium and copium.

    We need to wake up to what IS, as opposed to what we wish it were.

    If morality could solve any socioeconomic imbalance, billionaires would ban and outlaw morality.

    The fact that morality is always promoted and no one went to prison or was assassinated for promoting morality means one of two things: either a) morality doesn’t exist and can’t work even in principle, and instead we have a bullshit narrative to make people more timid and more self-doubting to make from them more manageable subjects, or b) real actual morality does exist, and when taught WOULD threaten the billionaires and other exploiters, and thus WOULD effectively produce societies centered on broad wellbeing, but we were never exposed to it in religion or in any university level class.

    If it’s b) then such morality isn’t based on begging and pleading with the unwilling and uninterested parties. And also if it’s b) then preaching such morality would be viewed as a threat to today’s trash status quo and a threat to the morbidly wealthy billionaires.

  • Biden pivoted to the big money donors.

    FDR, the greatest president, welcomed the hatred of the superrich. That’s when the Dems had 80% of the Congress, and presidential term limits were first introduced to defend the ultrawealthy from another FDR.

    So FDR welcomed the hatred of his domestic foes, the superrich. Biden is a back slapping whore who wants to be loved by all, because he isn’t decisive, and lacks a clear vision for America. He’s a third way triangulator. He can’t figure out why no one likes him when he tries to cater to two political groups that despise each other and have opposite policy preferences: the poor and the working class on the one hand, and the superrich on the other.

  • You forgot how Obama called everyone except Elizabeth to the right of Bernie and got them to drop out after it was clear Bernie was winning state after state. On the other hand Elizabeth Warren continued to split the vote with Bernie. The conservative dem vote consolidated around Biden only after the primary was well underway, and it was clear Bernie was winning. Then out of the blue Obama convinced Amy Klobuchar and Pete Buttigieg to drop out. The billionaire-owned TV media did not even report properly in real time on Bernie’s wins either, as they were shitting bricks.