I agree he’s horrible and should go, but sorry… a petition will do nothing.
Trump has been trash since the 1980s. He was a garbage president in 2016. If you “fell for it” in 2020 and/or 2024, you’re dumber than dirt.
The Past Is Still Alive by Hurray for the Riff Raff.
Easily one of my most played of 2024. Shame I missed them when they came through my city. Loved the songwriting, the music and the singing. The whole album was strong and the vibe resonated with me.
Automobilista 2 - Caterham racing around Oulton Park as the clock hit midnight.
Earlier in the evening I played the latest Mario Party and some Jackbox games with the fam.
Started walking 10k steps a day after seeing myself in pictures and hating how I looked. I’d been fairly active in the past, but some injuries sidelined me. I found getting out and walking was much better for my mental health and creativity than staring at a screen. Embraced the zen of walking when it was cold or rainy out - I’m lucky to often see animals around me that I know most people near me are never seeing. Now instead of dreading exercise, I have the opposite problem of getting restless and pissy if I don’t get my walking or biking in.
If we ever have elections again in the US, these contracts better get ripped up on day one.