Nicholas Cage is ALSO controlling drumpf now? Dude is like one of those Muppets with one person doing the voice, another the mouth, and two other people are working the hands. Makes for an impressive illusion
Nicholas Cage is ALSO controlling drumpf now? Dude is like one of those Muppets with one person doing the voice, another the mouth, and two other people are working the hands. Makes for an impressive illusion
If it is done by skinheads then it is automatically NOT punk. Just like No Doubt does not make “ska”, but especially, very much, absolutely more so!
Some of them even fathered children while doing so. If those children are not given every possible support available to it then by their government, every monetary, food, social, health, etc, then that government is creating illegitimate children, which speaks to the legitimacy of the government itself
If the United States is the shining example of democracy, then your argument loses some of its steam. Government of the people, and all …
What do you mean? Of COURSE we do!
At first I read “Ukraine”, and I thought ‘yeah, whatever’. Then I read ,“Gaza” and I thought, ‘yeah’.
Why does fighting voter ID laws seen like an own-goal?
That’ll hold em!
(For 14 whole days)
Former food service worker here
“I’M not racist! YOU’RE racist!”
You mean THIS house resolution 921?
H.Res.921 - Honoring the 30th anniversary of the National Guard Youth Challenge Program. 118th Congress (2023-2024)
I think I smell bullshit
I have family, DEVOUT Christians, that live in the actual holy land. I asked them “who is that?” in response to their posting a picture of white-as-fuck Jesus on the Facebook page for the family village. They have yet to respond
Someone, who can stomach it, please post this on r/anarcho-capitalism or r/Austrian economics. Those morons just LOVE this guy
Wow! These guys found AND verified trillions of dollars in financial transactions in such a short period of time So much winning from only the best minds!
Congress ASSERTS financial mismanagement and fraud. The only evidence we have so far is musk and greens word. I seen to remember a LOT of baseless accusations in recent memory What were those now…?
There was a TON of organizing happening 10 years ago. Then Obama got reelected and everybody, except the people trying to do the organizing, went back to watching dancing with the stars
Nobody wanted to listen then, so now we are all getting to enjoy the same hand basket
Oh, and I forgot about the select few who decided that THEIR perspective outranked everybody else’s, and used their petit tyranny to remove some very good willed people from certain organizing spaces
So, now some of us get to at least watch while those select few get hammered by this bullshit first.
Looking at YOU Monica
“you will be the very last person I throw under the bus! No, really, John! I won’t come at you until I have absolutely no one else to blame for some of the shit I am about to try to pull off. Trust me, buddy!”