Ellen Pao-ing
Damn, it really says something about the demographic of Lemmy that nobody in your replies asked what this means.
(I also was on reddit ~10(?) years ago during this one particular controversy)
Ellen Pao-ing
Damn, it really says something about the demographic of Lemmy that nobody in your replies asked what this means.
(I also was on reddit ~10(?) years ago during this one particular controversy)
he has immunity from criminal prosecution, and it could be claimed that Elon (an illegal immigrant) has assets that can be used to help pay off the national debt.
I find it hard to believe that even the most ardent Trump supporters don’t cringe at seeing something like this posted on the official website of the whitehouse.
Even if someone (somehow) doesn’t know that human drugs and treatments are tested on mice (or other animals) before being tested on humans, they must at least feel some kind of shame/embarassment/humiliation at seeing a headline so petty and childish right under the whitehouse logo.
Target’s thing has always been to be “Walmart but fancy”. Fun fact, the last “T” is actually silent, and you’re supposed the pronounce it “Tar-jay”
McDonald’s is pretty tasty
Your opinion is factually incorrect.
I don’t eat at McDonalds for many reasons, but if I had to walk through such a Chuck E Cheese-ass entrance to grab a burger I’d have one more reason to avoid it.
This is silly. There’s no sustainable way to profit from insurance claims. Whatever short term “profit” Tesla may get from a claim will be wiped out when the insurance companies raise prices to cover it. Insurance companies don’t have unlimited money.
it seems like Tesla is collapsing on its own
Don’t worry, shareholders! Trump’s upcoming executive order will mandate all federal government vehicle fleets be replaced with Teslas.
From raping her mom to dimensionally merging Nazi brains with Tesla upholstery.
Honestly, CWC becoming a freedom fighter wouldn’t be that weird on this timeline we’re on.
FFXIV released in 2013. That’s ~12 years ago, which is about 105,120 hours of human existence.
105,120/28,625 = 3.6723144104
Meaning you’ve played an average of 3 hours and 40 minutes per day, every day, for the past 12 years (and that’s a slight under count because the game hasn’t hit its 12th anniversary yet)
That’s 5585 hours MORE than a full time 40hr/week job; nearly 3 whole years of pure labor.
All I have to say is congratulations, you beat the hardest game there is: capitalism. Enjoy your furry weeb paradise, friend.
Joe Rogan is watched mostly by young people, many of which are also too young to realize that cutting social security means they’re going to spend a good chunk of their adult life taking care of their parents until they die. That means paying for their housing or living facility, or having them live with you.
Reaching these young people to get this across to them is the tricky part.
I think it’d be less creepy if there was an easily accessible public dashboard displaying this telemetry. E.g. like counters showing how many people hide the bookmark bar. If you can instantly see what data your browser is sending in an easily digestible format (ie not a dump of JSON in a submenu), it’s easier to gain a quick understanding of the benefits vs minimal privacy tradeoffs.
But it really depends on trust: trust that they’re not collecting more than they claim, and trust that the data is properly anonymized. Mozilla has lost that trust.
Trump does [shocking, rude, unprecedented] thing and OWNS the [punching bag]
Whoever has been in the punching bag category thus far has got a steep hill to climb. I think the opposition needs to come from within the republican party, and will need to pursue headlines with a similar format in response to Trump actions that genuinely piss everyone off.
EDIT: if anyone wants inspiration/brain rot for a grass roots campaign, the gateway pundit is good template. I think that’s more of a strategy to use on old people on Facebook.
Trying to shift further right won’t work
I think we’re at a point where most people in the US are right leaning (maybe even arbitrarily so). The democrats have pissed off and alienated enough people where that’s the situation. The important thing now is to reinforce the idea that right wing beliefs and American freedom, civil liberties, democracy, etc are not mutually exclusive. That’s the issue with Trump’s strategy right now, as people are willing to follow him into an authoritarian future because they’re focused on the “own the libs” aspect of it.
think you can reason with those people.
They are bots. The ones who upvote are bots, the ones who give those horrible takes are bots, and the small minority that do the same thing but more haphazardly are smoothbrains who don’t realize they’re in the company of bots.
I didn’t know that, but tbh not surprising. Dotcom-era tech bro billionaires are all the same.
Why would he need to hide anything?
Because if it got out, he would likely have the rest of the federal government turn on him, even the MAGA republicans. They’re driven by witch hunts against conspiracy theories and “deep state” nonsense, but now that they’re in power it’s hard to keep pretending like the government is hiding shit when you’re literally the government.
But Trump is a puppet for Putin, America’s longest enemy? That’s a juicy fucking conspiracy right there, and if they can sell it to their constituents, it’d be an easy path to political dominance for any republican who pulls it off. (hopefully it’s not MTG)
It’s called trickle-down pedophilia
It would be less terrifying if that were true. Rich people being corrupt and getting away with crimes is nothing new in America.
The scary thing is that the ones that will get away with it are the ones who ally themselves with Trump. This is going to be used as another tool to attack our democracy.
He has presidential immunity because raping those children 20 years ago was all part of a plan to build diplomatic relations with Putin.
Explains why all the incels are backing Trump. They hope to find their boyfriend-free virgin girlfriend on the battlefield of the civil war.