I want them to succeed but they are up against WITCH and offshoring in general, and companies do not want to spend any more than they have to.
This industry is fucked
ipsc shooter, shitposter
I want them to succeed but they are up against WITCH and offshoring in general, and companies do not want to spend any more than they have to.
This industry is fucked
I know that Hacker News is a self selected sample of the most deranged tech bro sociopaths, but still it is a representative sample of Silicon Valley.
I don’t think the workers in Silicon Valley are going to stop this. They don’t want to. I’ve spent 15 years on that site and have a pretty good sense of what their attitudes and priorities are. This ain’t it.
I mean it’s never going to go away, because there has to be something to bootstrap all these newer languages from.
I absolutely agree that most normal programmers need to move away from C but it’s not going to go away anytime soon
If you are continually rebasing and having to fix the same merge conflict over and over, you should look at https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Tools-Rerere
You can also do a
git rebase -i
and mark a commit asedit
and git will stop at that commit in the rebase to allow you to stop, look around, and make changes… I think that is what you are looking for