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Cake day: June 26th, 2023

  • fishos@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldUseful idiot
    2 hours ago

    Oh no, you don’t understand, if you’re not for Biden, you’re obviously a pro-Trump shill. There’s no room left for nuance.

    It’s why political discourse is all but dead. You see this same braindead take all over the place. Dems constantly saying how braindead Reps are, but then constantly throwing out bad faith arguments and strawmen. But if you point out the flaws, you’re just a shill who can be ignored.

    We’re doomed.

  • You should doubt everything you hear. Pull it apart and see if the pieces themselves make any sense. Examine the logic and look for flaws in it that make the conclusion invalid. Ask questions.

    You SHOULD doubt me, absolutely. Hold everything up to the light. A very important question to ask is “why am I being told this? Who’s interests is served by telling me this?” Examine every piece.

    For example, in the article, notice how everything is “seemingly” “implied” or “appears to”. Those aren’t definitive words. Those are gossip words. No concrete claim is actually made. Just the appearance of one. The sources are just other random Twitter comments speculating.

  • You realize many guns can be made full auto just by filling down or replacing a single part and the spring, right? It’s been an issue for DECADES. This law was just reactionary legislation and didn’t actually impact mass shootings. It being gone doesn’t really change anything other than one less law to enforce.

    Does America have a gun problem? Yes. Does it have an ass backwards bureaucracy problem? Also yes.

  • fishos@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldJust a reminder
    20 days ago

    You’re literally the one who said that since 1993 they have only had 6 months of actual unopposed power. You’re literally the person saying “In the last 3 decades, the Democrats have only had the ability to do anything for a grand total of 6 months.”

    How the fuck isn’t that an ineffectual party? Would you go to a doctor that can only help you for 6 months out of 30 YEARS? But somehow this is okay when talking about the Democrats? You’re not immediately thinking “well what have these jackasses been doing this whole time?”.

    Cus you absolutely should. And if you’re only answer is “well the Rs are better at it than them”, you either have to change tactics or find another team. You’ve already admitted you’re the losers.

    Going back to the car metaphor: you’re over here complaining that you could do so many things with your supercar, if only the Rs would let you have some gas. Meanwhile, there are electric supercars being built that don’t need gas. A completely different avenue to take. Instead of fighting for gas, you just build the best electric supercar instead and outrun them.

    The Dems are over here begging for gas when there are plenty of other parties building that electric supercar.

  • fishos@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldJust a reminder
    20 days ago

    Hey look guys! In 30 years the Ds did a thing! That totally balances out the 100s of things the Rs have done in the same time!

    You said it yourself “they’re blocked from achieving their goals”. The best supercar in the world is outrun by a toddler if it has no gas. I’d rather vote for a toddler than the guy claiming “we’ll have gas soon. Just as soon as we convince the gas station to sell it to us and the bank to honor our card and…”

  • fishos@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldJust a reminder
    20 days ago

    Who got what they wanted? Rs. Who lost what they wanted? Ds.

    It’s the same story over and over but you want to convince us that “this time it’s different!”.

    Well, when you guys actually start getting shit done, I’ll support you. But if it’s “at least you’re not voting for X”, nah, go jump off a cliff. It’s the party of doers vs the party of “we try really hard but somehow keep failing and our only idea is to blame the other guys”.

  • fishos@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldJust a reminder
    20 days ago

    I understand which party has the power to get things done. And I understand when one party is ineffective at fighting back and should be abandoned for a party that can fight back. You’re stuck in the 2 party mindset. There are numerous other political groups in the US. You could be supporting a labor party, an environmental party, a civil rights party, etc. but instead it’s always “R is evil, so you need to vote for a D, otherwise BOOGYMAN!”. Or how about we empower the other political parties and start having real nuanced political discourse?

    Because Us vs Them is a hell of a lot easier.

    Bitch and moan about your ideals all you want. The reality is the Rs win, the Ds lose, and the Ds just keep whining that the means ol Rs are stopping them instead of changing tactics and listening to constuents who are tired of out of touch old white guys deciding the future of our country. The Democrat party suffers from a serious image issue and this constant “well vote for us anyways” just becomes pathetic over the years.

  • fishos@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldJust a reminder
    20 days ago

    Exactly my point. They have all that time and can’t get it done because of the Republicans. Republicans got it done tho, didn’t they? So which party holds actual power? So why should I vote D when they can only muster 6 months of actual power in the last 3 decades? Why would I think voting for them would matter at all? Even when elected they’re eunichs. Thanks for proving my point.