lol I didn’t see that your comment was also a link :P
lol I didn’t see that your comment was also a link :P
you selling these? I want some (no joke, they’re awesome)
in Greece at least nobody gives you the option - unless it’s a very pricey service that you can pay as a package
it’s very difficult for me to describe to other people how good this setup is. it’s not “check home assistant” good. it’s not “use 1password to store your passwords” good. it’s almost “just download more ram” good
work does not define you and it doesn’t reflect your self worth.
there’s a very high chance you’re getting rob while doing it too so do it as shitty as possible (without risking your food)
nono, that’s from backtrack/kali linux
huh, good observation - my instant thought was casinos and “climbing the corporate ladders”
(I fully disagree with not voting but your point still stands)
we call that stress where i’m coming from 😊
aren’t those naps the best though? you’re ACTIVELY napping. you’re power napping on a whole other level
on an unrelated note: do you make the stickers yourself (the actual stickers, the designs are clearly yours)? if so how? what equipment do you use?