Definitely not N’ull, that would trigger a SQL error when it can’t interpret the ull after the string delimiter.
Definitely not N’ull, that would trigger a SQL error when it can’t interpret the ull after the string delimiter.
It smells to me like ‘you’ll own nothing and be happy’. Someone founded a company on the idea of ‘People have a good thing going, how could we exploit it?’
What happens when you want to exit the contract within the 30 years?
What if you want to sell the house, and the new owner doesn’t want this scheme? Do the panels move with you to the new place? Depending on how hard it is to get out of the contract, it may turn away potential buyers.
Lastly, I may be distrustful of every company, but… When the sun is shining at peak brightness, what’s the guarantee that you get to use all of it? Surely there’s some clever ‘load balancing’ programmed into that inverter… You will never know for sure, it’s not yours.
The rich are not the problem, the wealthy are the problem. I like the way Chris Rock put it: ‘Shaq is rich… The white man who signs his check is wealthy.’
Millions of people could be up there with Bill Burr, if a few hundred wouldn’t hoard over half of all wealth in the country.
Do these marks (- for exclusion, + for mandatory) still work on search engines? I thought they stopped entertaining them years ago, exactly because they don’t want the user to mess with SEO results. I know from personal experience that double quotes (to search for an exact expression) are ignored.
I love me some Days Gone! I still to this day have it installed and go back from time to time to whack a few hordes.
Good. If they backport this to Horizon Forbidden West I may actually buy it.
Sooo we can magnetize nonmagnetic materials?
Tractor beam when?
Ah yes, the “benefits” of an authoritarian state: they can redirect public funds to undercut any competition?
So what the EU is doing is, it won’t allow the Chinese manufacturer to pass these cost reductions down to me as a consumer and force it to charge a “minimum price” instead, am I reading this right?
You mean his circuit breakers would trip