I just drink out of the cup like a sadist.
I just drink out of the cup like a sadist.
Is it bad that I stopped using Google docs and plan on moving to OpenOffice instead?
Can someone call ICE on me? I no longer want to be in the clown country anymore.
Me with komm susser todd because it personally relates to me heavily and how I feel about myself.
It’s going to be just like my pocket chip and die quickly after in terms of software support. Where I had to run my own hacks and also run archive debian repositories for the hardware itself only for the flash to die a year afterwards. I can say though it was the coolest device I had and hacking it was really neat especially with the UI and scaling apps on the device.
I would start to stock pile food myself if I had that much money free and buy a new GPU. That’s like also a months rent here as well plus some utilities and a car payment.
I can’t stop laughing at this stupid fucking image. You have thoroughly broke me. I can’t anymore. This is how I start off 2025 laughing at a stupid image.
Why is he lighting the bathroom on fire?
Doubt Apple will allow JIT to run on their specific region sideloading.
I have that exact same SanDisk player as well rocking rockbox firmware and it’s now my portable game console at work.