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Cake day: February 3rd, 2025

  • Human greed is a problem of capitalism because it makes competition out of humanity. We can still track what people have in the gift economy. If everyone gets what they need, then there will be no greed at all and more sustainable lifestyles will be lived. Most scarcity in the world is fabricated in order to drive up the value of goods in a profit driven system like capitalism. In the case of actual scarcity in the gift economy, we would simply go on need, who needs these resources the most? Anyone that doesn’t need whatever resources wouldn’t be asking for them in the gift economy.

  • I’m a full on no money commie. To me any society that has money is capitalist, doesn’t matter what happens to it, it’s a capitalist society once you introduce money to it. I propose a gift economy. It is the first economy recorded and is how humans should be living. We just give people what they need, not expectining anything in r eturn. No money, no bartering system. We just give anyone what they need. The gift econmmy is so engrained in human life and we do a little even when in a captalist society. Ever explained the rules to a boardgame? I imagine you did that for free, asking for nothing in return, gift economy. Helped a family member with tech support, you did that for free, asking for nothing in return. Even writing a internet comment, you likely did that for free and a lot of internet comments are written because someone asked a question, you’re helping them for nothing in return. We need to get to the gift economy.

  • But to play devil’s advocate (pun very much intended) in the gnostic scripture of the nag Hamadi it straight up says whoever parctipated in the tower of babel will go to hell. Why punish people when they thought they were doing good? And the nag hamadi also says whatever happens in the world is god’s will. Meaning every single event in history whether good or bad is because god wanted it that way. So according to the nag hamadi god wanted all the wars, all the climate change, all the confusion, all the rape and murder is because god wanted it. Why aren’t we born with knowledge of every language if god wanted diverse languages? That way people will choose the language they speak rather than it being forced upon them from wherever they’re born. The nag hamadi actually answers every existential question if you read it objectively without any pre existing beliefs in my personal view. We don’t have any free will on earth according to the nag hamadi and this is the only universe that exists.

  • The bit that these people don’t understand is pretty much everyone has done and taken part in the gift economy. But capitalism has brainwashed people to slave over pieces of paper. But if you’ve ever explained the rules to a board game, helped family members with tech support, helped a roommate learn how to cook a dish then people have partaken in the gift economy. I could list a thousand more examples. Even leaving internet comments is part of a gift economy if you leave a comment, you’re not expecting anything in return and many internet comments are helping people asking about stuff they need help for. The gift economy is so engrained in everyday life yet capitalism just has decades of propaganda.