Ubuntu Lubuntu Xubuntu Kubuntu uwuntu Wubuntu Edubuntu Gendbuntu PopOs Mint
Those last two ruined the list smh
Ubuntu Lubuntu Xubuntu Kubuntu uwuntu Wubuntu Edubuntu Gendbuntu PopOs Mint
Those last two ruined the list smh
EOS is a godsend, I tend to reinstall my os after every semester and found that with pure arch is a pain in the ass. Just stick that eos iso and boom, 90% of what I need, just run 2 scripts for installing my programs and the zen kernel and I’m golden
I’m calling it giving the dirstro top surgery from now on
I just cannot stand the 7zip UX
Not only is it very difficult to write in assembly, the resulting code is not portable. Meaning that if you wrote it on x86 assembly it can’t run on ARM chips without emulation and that takes a significant hit on performance defeating the point