But what about Okana at the Starfleet Command Party representing our acceptance:
Or much less attractive PRO Okana, representing the season 3 theme change?
“Life forms. You precious little lifeforms. You tiny little lifeforms. Where are you?”
- Lt. Cmdr Data, Star Trek: Generations
But what about Okana at the Starfleet Command Party representing our acceptance:
Or much less attractive PRO Okana, representing the season 3 theme change?
Just give us Prodigy S3. Granted, we’d have to see how they work it out, considering they’ve hit the Picard era.
Maybe we could just have a little “accident” where Admiral Janeway is visiting the Protostar when they all get whisked into the 2430s and can’t return so they don’t have to deal with Picard crap. It wouldn’t be as radical of a future as Discovery - we’ll just have a nice, peaceful era with only the occasional threat.
The Protostar has some new worlds to explore, while Janeway struggles to reintegrate into Starfleet and catches up with her still-surviving friends, probably including elderly Mr. Tysess, Tuvok (who, even with conservative estimates, probably still have 3 decades ahead of them) Chakotay (probably not in as good health as Tuvok or Tysess, but holding on), as well as the Doctor.
Besides potentially being able to do TNG monster of the week, you’ve got at least 1 free episode plot for checking in on Solum. Besides having some plot on thea now non-destroyed Solum, we could have Ilthuran’s reaction to being reunited with Gwyn after decades as well as, at a minimum, a bit of comedy from a nice, non-fascist Ascencia (It would be even funnier if this Ascenscia at one point became a legit Starfleet officer).
Give us Prodigy S3, please.
Actually, that was Barenaked Ladies that did the Big Bang Theory theme. Totally different guys.
Yes I did, and now I’ve fixed it.
Ironically, the Cerritos is on 4 shifts, based one the existence of delta shift.
Note: In a few of these, I have multiple images of what I consider to be the main variants, which I would say are S1 E15 version, S1 E19 version, S2 E5/E9 version, and S2 E14 onward.
Some of the early episodes are important in my opinion but a little rough at times.
Once you hit season 2, there is rarely a bad episode - they’re all at the very least funny, except for “A Mathematically Perfect Redemption”, which is just the most brutal form of torture and an experiment in anti-storytelling. .
Not totally right. Strange New Worlds, Lower Decks, and Prodigy are all decent as well. TOS is also worth a watch with an episode list, and TAS has a few good ones as well.
Discovery, in my opinion, isn’t as bad some say either. It’s hardly peak Star Trek, but I’ve found I enjoy it sometimes. I also have to throw in obligatory Orville suggestion.
As others have set, Lower Decks is not the first show you should watch though - it’s more enjoyable after watching everything. Also, both Lower Decks and Prodigy, I’d recommend watching through the first 10 or so episodes before making a judgement - the first few episodes aren’t their best. Lower Decks is often funny and at least once a season (from season 2) puts out a masterpiece that belong with the best of Trek. I’d say the top/my favorite LD episodes are (in no particular order):
Maybe they are, but those parts haven’t developed yet - notice how their arms are bare. There might also be neurological differences in babies that prevent the full influence of the collective.
Pretty much true, but I’ve seen exceptions. At least in the Southwestern US, the smaller the home, the more likely it is the kitchen will be very near the laundry room.
In both my childhood home (built 1997, one story) and my dad’s childhood home (trailer, built 1973), the “laundry room” was basically a hallway off the kitchen.
The washer is never directly in the kitchen or under a countertop, though.
As long as it’s in Debian, I’ll use it.
Funny, but I also almost puked seeing Data that way. I guess he can survive as only a head, though - just need a new body.
Now the epic one is Gargoyles, where many Trek actors are in it (including Mulgrew, Spiner, Dorn, and Brooks).
Two of the main villains are played by (and they work together sometimes), weirdly enough, Frakes and Sirtis.
There’s an episode where Frakes’ character is out of jail and threatens revenge upon the main characters, and one responds, “With you and what Starfleet?”
I can at least hope Tawny Newsome’s comedy will go well.
It depends. Prodigy, Lower Decks, and Strange New Worlds are all great (the former two take a moment to get into their element, though).
Probably watch 10 episodes of Prodigy before making your verdict, and probably through the first few episodes of season 2 for Lower Decks.
For Discovery, I’ve found it make many mistakes, but also been, it’s been fun at times. I’ve only watched through part of season 4.
Spock has occasionally made jokes, and at least in the presence of a certain Richard Milhous Nixon, is a smoker.
My high school history teacher had that as a poster on her wall.
Honestly, I’m tempted to move This Might Be Lemmy from lemmy.sorld, considering federation issues, if it would be allowed.
The Argo is probably one of the few things I enjoyed about Nemesis. I like how they brought back the dune buggy for Prodigy…
Oh, my gosh. Weyoun is so beautiful! And you can make him smile! Now all we need is a Lakarian City playset… a pile of ash should do.