Stop tipping in EU. Last time someone asked me to tip in Germany got a 1 star review.
Stop tipping in EU. Last time someone asked me to tip in Germany got a 1 star review.
Not tipping is theft now? Is everything ok bud?
In a normal scenario yes. This is not longer a normal situation. You support Trump? You better start hiding…
Such delicate snowflakes these ceos…
Ah okay, yes the official one does. Yes, I think its a false positive… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Oh, really? This one didn’t have any badge at all. I’m confused.
Yes this is the mail app in ios
I’m starting to think I’m wrong somehow… Maybe i made an account long ago and forgot? I really don’t think so tho.
I did, I have the app on the phone and the account is fine, no notifications or emails. Nothing… it happened already some weeks ago and i ignored it.
It seems to lead to but maybe I’m not expert enough.
All the urls seems going to… thats why I’m confused. Should i check something specific?
Imagine sending your friend a minigame and you accidentally sign him up for lemmy
we can redesign the on onboarding process.
🛑 stop explaining new terms 🛑 fuck infinite list of random names with anime girls (what do you want me to do,read!?)
Make it like a map and turn instances into buildings (or gardens/circle/doesnt matter). Show some stats like how big, who i can talk to, topic. Gamify the experience so the fatigue turns into curiousity.
I don’t want to spend more then 500€, i can use it for work but its not my main focus. It’s not the first time i get recommended Lumix gh- for video recording, so thats a good option to have. As of camcorder i have no idea where to start, amazon is a shitshow.
Thanks for the tips tho, really appreciate it.
Totally in good faith. A post from last year? Yea, suck my dick andy. Deleting my account asap.
Thanks, i will def search in the used market, I don’t trust new products anymore. 😂 For mics i wanted to go with those clip mics, easy and flexible to record.
Idk about selling. My philosophy is that as long as I can use it, I’ll keep it and if it breaks I’ll fix.
A new camera yes, the old canon is not fit for this, but maybe i could reuse the lens? Idk, my understanding of cameras and lens are not great tbh. I’ll check fuji thx.
Oh wow…wtf. I was about to buy it, thanks. Is there an alternative?
Oh no I’m such a thief ahah don’t call the popo. I pay the service and products when I pay the bill with the agreed prices. If US companies are so broke and poor that they can’t even pay their people, they should close. I don’t beg for money when I work, disgusting.