ive not experienced that in the almost 10 years of using it on multiple debian based distros
ive not experienced that in the almost 10 years of using it on multiple debian based distros
“same thing we do everyday, pinky. try and take over the world!”
theyre going to build a mt rushmore in gaza if the current usa administration gets its way…
dang never realized where the saying “the only good cop is a dead cop” came from
dudes chin could end global starvation
crunchbang is awesome, never did the bunsen labs, but i do have a live crunchbang plus plus usb for recovery and lightweight live distro. i think its debian 12 with openbox.
loved slackware with openbox on my netbook back in the days. running pop os and i3wm now, i prefer it over openbox or fluxbox now. it is my daily driver work horse, stable and low on resources. easy to configure.
who is they? and why are you being offered it? who is it through, your school, employer, random person whats apping you? do you find it necessary for your direction?
woah blast from the past
new toilet paper just dropped
sounds like something an instigator would say! im not sure if im being sarcastic or not… /?s
ctrl + z
critical thinking is woke, and woke = domestic terrorizers
ive used many de’s and wm’s over the last 15+ years and ended using gnome the most. most familiar with it now so, its fine for me.
embedded linux! im too dumb to understand most of this but, im glad there are people out there with the brains and willpower to create projects like this. its not only like novelty value, but can really show potential future use cases for how we can make use of obsolete hardware etc. creative thinking is crucial in times like these, where mainstream is stripping away the value of art and creation. cool project!
do you load it via cartridge?!!?
as uneasy as it makes me…food is food…and gotta consider some animals we eat are smarter and have more emotional intelligence than many people…sooo, fck it. soylent green is people.
jk be a good cop… …