Came here to say that if you like this concept, Peter Hamilton has a book series called Commonwealth Saga in the science fiction category that is excellent. Lots of pseudoscience from early 2000s in that series.
Came here to say that if you like this concept, Peter Hamilton has a book series called Commonwealth Saga in the science fiction category that is excellent. Lots of pseudoscience from early 2000s in that series.
We just have to admit that the representative democracy system, in its current form, suffers from the same flaws as other systems. It’s done a great job at elevating people a bit, but we hit a new ceiling of how prosperous the average person is.
I really want the conversations to be more around iterating on representative democracy. In this day and age we should be able to have our voices/votes heard more on each topic.
I don’t think we’ll ever move on to the next step of human societal development until we stop concentrating power. Us picking a representative in the hopes that they will proxy vote for what we actually want them to vote for does not work.
Came here to make sure people saw some comments about cashing out and waiting this out.
I’m selling.
The upside if somehow our trade partners fold and we get sweater trade deals is the market would see a bump. Doubt it would be huge and you would have time to buy back in and suffer a small loss of growth.
This downside if this backfires is the dollar becoming weaker and opening the door for other powers to insert themselves as the economic fintech lubricator. This could see the market tumble.
Not sure I’m with you on the China not spreading their influence. It’s been exactly what they have been doing in Africa and the Middle East. This has been going on for a long while (close to 10 years) and seems to be working.
I struggle with this. I would under most circumstances agree and I get that we should be kicking and screaming as this happens. I just don’t know if even completely bank rolling the ACLU will help.
Not going to pretend to have the best legal understanding but doesn’t this eventually bubble up to the supreme court who will likely side with this current administration?
Unfortunately, our main recourse is a protest. Not a typical protest either. We need to have any citizen against this current administration to stop participating in consumerism. Buy the essentials, do whatever you need to do to survive, but stop there. No Prime day spending. No Super Bowl spending. No Memorial Day or Labor Day spending. Do this until all stocks tank. This will get the attention we want.
This seems pretty typical. Feels like Leaders only have one lever to pull. Things are going badly? Let’s ReOrg, that’ll fix it.
Instead of doing the smart thing and identifying smart individuals within the company and putting them all in group letting them solution.
My guess is the outcome of this will be google having an unofficial marriage with gambling companies as they are the last customers to pay for Ads and see a big positive result
This does not look real. I can’t put my finger as to why. It looks like good CGI but the lighting off the robot does not feel perfect.