“Throughout history, government has proved to be the chief instrument for thwarting man’s liberty.”
Impossible meat,
I remember reading that it may be even worse than regular meat because of all the artificial stuff they put into it. Is that still accurate or have they changed it? Last time I tried it, I thought it was great though.
I like unions
It’s working out great. We like him and he’s doing awesome!
I never said he was. But he had dementia while in office. And Dems refused to do anything about it until the debate. Then it became too embarrassing to deny. So at the last minute, switched him out.
How did all that work out?
I like what Trump is doing.
Meh, so was Biden though.
And not everyone shares your opinion, so all good.
what would me posting a link to an AP News article have to do with AP News being compromised as a news agency?
So you think AP News is compromised and is bowing down to Trump?!
AP News came up with the headline, not me
AP News disagrees with you
Spitting in the face of most of them and taking their wealth back.
How’s that working out for you so far?
I do not think that American Democrats or Republicans are capable of running an operation that is anywhere near this successful. They are, for the most part, corrupt idiots.
Certainly as soon as the election happened, they switched from promoting Rachele Fruit relentlessly,
I just looked him up, and he still promotes her and mods a community based on her political party. His profile seems to rage against the duopoly, so seems he is firmly still in third-party mode.
n a broader sense, separate from this individual user, it is absolutely well-documented that there are foreign influence campaigns distorting social media to promote electoral outcomes operating on a massive scale.
Maybe, but if that’s true, I think it happens on both sides of the political spectrum. Just as many Democrats engage in that as Republicans.
Also, Lemmy is overwhelmingly left-leaning. So in that case, isn’t Lemmy part of that surge trying to influence the campaign? They were heavily promoting all things Democrat, and heavilly downvoting anything that was third party or republican.
According to your logic, and your numbers, Lemmy is part of that influencing agent. And it seems to be trying to continue to influence things.
And since Lemmy is part of a political influence scenario, then that means you are too. As am I.
During the October run-up when Monk was trying hard to influence the election
How can Lemmy influence an election?! Hardly anyone has even heard of Lemmy. How on earth can you think that Lemmy would influence an election? Didn’t Universalmonk say he was voting Green Party anyway? How is that influencing an election?!
Good to know. thank you!