Take a week and build a Voron. The kits are super easy to piece together and you end up with an insanely great, reliable printer for a fraction what it should cost. Yes, the build time and initial calibration might take a bit, but mine’s been without issue, printing 24h long prints perfectly for over a year now. You don’t need to settle for a mediocre built printer if you have the patience to piece together one. Not to mention, since you built the kit, you know how to troubleshoot any issues that pop up much faster than something you pulled out of a box and plugged into the wall.
Fuck no! I always found it funny how communities find specific words offensive and look down upon people that use them. Context is important, of course, but the vast majority of cases I witness people swearing are non malicious in nature. (Don’t get me wrong, there are absolutely words/phrases I will never say; again, context is key here)
Coming up with alternative words for the same intent is super silly to me, too. The individual makes it very clear they are aware of the “rules” and are making an asserted attempt to sidestep them. Why bother with all that effort and not simply use the intended word instead?