• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • I just need to clarify when you say 'until s4 when it went woke were you speaking on behalf of what some people believe or an opinion you hold yourself?

    Because if it is the latter the rest of what you said really contradicts it and maybe you should reflect on that. But I’m assuming you’re not a dumbass and your are the former.

    The boys has always been woke as fuck it didn’t change. It’s more like Eric kripke had to keep making it more and more and more obvious because Americans are so obtuse and blinded by propaganda patriotism that they cannot comprehend how someone embodying that can be a villain

  • Ok im going to actually be less coy.

    I was “jailbait” I grew up with men joking about it. Called me it. I had men stop me on the street offering rides and other empty dangerous promises. Watching your uncle start to look at you differently, the pictures he takes of you are just a little more uncomfortable. Your dad’s friends make jokes you do or don’t understand but they make you so uncomfortable you laugh along because anything else feels scarier.

    So actually THAT was my source. And it didn’t stop after I was I minor. It stopped once I got fat.

  • It is crazy to me how crude and obvious this “conspiracy” is but it just… works far fucking better than anything before to the point they are adoptig it in more modern storytelling.

    I watched the first episode of s4 of the boys and I am convinced kripkee is just pushing the boundary every season to see just how fucking dense people can be, not even close to subtle anymore where I’d be uncomfortable watching it with a red hat the same way as watching a sex scene with your parents. Thanks for coming to my speech

  • The lesbian acts are what seem important here? Not that he tied up and forcibly raped with penetration. Sometimes it confuses me the facts people choose to focus on. At Twitter screenshot not you

    AND THIS ISNT EVEN NEWS! THIS WAS CIRCULATING IN 2016 the source is there in the screenshot of the legal document has the date but also here is a news article from that time though

    So yeah no one fucking cares about women or girls. they ARE just females they only are human when it is convenient, when they are just statistic, data, or example to prove a point. Katie, I hope you get your justice. You deserve the world to know the monster you saw.

  • Sorry to be pedantic but this isn’t being a hypocrite is it? I see it more like absolute ignorance, tiger ate my face, refusal to acknowledge science data and facts, etc that is also all very republican 101. But for once idk how hypocrite just thr extra layer of stupid

    Edit (and gonna reply to this edit the same thing cuz lemmy sucks at showing them and this is important) Ok I read another comment and it definitely put into context for me how this is hypocrital too!!! They wanna protect the children while doing this shit in unexpected places in front of children where it is much more graphic, traumatizing, and upsetting than the sanitized facts you’re getting , in an environment you’re anticipating and prepared for it and can sorta joke with classmates too …

    They wanna outlaw that but she’s down to whip a dick out and get sloppy in public.

  • To actually explain why, I think it’s because the theory is our president and politicians are supposed to be actually representing the people and have their saftey, best interest, and goals and/or morals in mind first and foremost.

    Damn I can see how that sounded perfect forever ago. Wonder which of our proposed solutions to current problems would have similar unexpected consequences, and I wonder what those would look like.

    Sorry if none of this made sense or was coherent to anyone. Don’t try to reread it I’m just high