Applebees is a good one, if you’re in the states lol
Applebees is a good one, if you’re in the states lol
Money can almost exclusively be put to “better” use. I’m not going to regret going out with friends and spending a $20 on drinks and dinner. Being sour about it doesn’t make the money come back lol.
My one drive won’t even let me access it I have no idea why and I am not about to take the time to figure it out lol
Bringing holleration and hateration to the dancery.
People like hating on elbow but I think it’s quite nice… cavatappi gives me anxiety. I do also really love a standard flat square ravioli.
My fiance loves liquid death because it didn’t have anything for sweetness aside from the agave. Now all he’s gonna taste is the stevia. :(
When you have 6 dogs and they all need a walk
I would lose everything. Even my car is technically in this house. I’m just thankful my fiancé and my kitties survived the fire.
Oh shit. I turn 30 in November… I’ve been waiting damn near 30 years for that…
Article states “law enforcement is working to determine applicable charges in this incident.” Meaning… they don’t have a reason.
I think I understand what you mean by internal scream, but my experience is more like… the inability. I could breathe but I couldn’t force the sound out of my body. It happened so frequently I started to bypass struggling and just going back to sleep. 😂
Yo 👋🏼 I’ve experienced sleep paralysis A LOT but I never actually “saw” anything, the feeling was plenty terrifying for me. Unable to move or scream for help. Definitely that heavy feeling across your chest/abdomen and like something/one is holding your limbs down. But never seeing this thing doing so. No shadows, figures, etc. just vibes lmao. I respect your views on nightmares and sleep paralysis, but I simply do not resonate with your perception. I do frighten easily, and I’m currently on medication that causes vivid dreams/nightmares EVERY NIGHT. I would kill for that sleep so deep when you wake up you thought you were dead lol.
Pardon my ignorance, I am new to the fediverse and have no idea what I’m doing. But, when I signed up for loops on the website, I had to wait 3 days for them to send me a link to download a test-flight app for loops. I cannot recall if TestFlight is standard on iPhone or if I downloaded it previously.
It is wild to me that it’s just a guessing game for them, when were the ones stuck with a new pill and all the possible side effects that come with (not to mention the prescription cost) just for it to probably not work, and then onto the next pill on the list.
Thank you, very much. I will take any prayers, good vibes, screams into the void, etc. that are available when it comes to my mom.
I have had one of the worst days that I can recall since I left my ex-husband. Woke up early to go to the dentist, they had to numb me which is the worst part IMO. I go home and my mother texts me she’s been in the hospital over 24 hours. I rush to get ready for work and go see her. On my way I hit a crow, it ruins the grill on my VW bug. I get to the hospital and sit with my mom until I have to leave for work. I order a fish sandwich to grab for my dinner and only after getting to my desk at work open my takeout and find they gave me a fried shrimp sandwich instead. My mom lets me know the hospital released her saying they didn’t know what was wrong and prescribed a muscle relaxer. I am a supervisor at work, I had one person call out sick, I’m behind on my duties, and I had a new person start today. Not to mention i started my period last night and was cramping several hours today. the cherry on top was getting the email from credit karma that my score had changed, found it had gone down 30 points because my ex-husband skipped the car payment last month and is now behind 30 days. 🥲 I’m pleading, what have I done to deserve all of this? I hope tomorrow is better, and I hope even more that my mothers health improves.
I made my Reddit in 2013 and posted alllll sorts of stuff, never really caring what TOS or anything I could be violating… never had problems except getting a horribly downvoted comment here and there. That being said, I am much happier after transitioning to Lemmy. I use voyager which has a bit of Reddit-like view.
That’s what I’m talking about!
2 would be the most lucrative but 5 would be… interesting… for insurance purposes… lol