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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 22nd, 2023


  • I don’t think this is really a moderates thing, I think this is a Biden ego thing and the Democrats being paralyzed by their deference to established leaders even when they’re clearly in the wrong. The only Democrat on record saying he should step down is some nobody. And there’s a whole lot of moderates damning him with faint praise of “that’s something Joe Biden will have to decide” rather than “no, of course he should stay in”.

    I don’t expect Biden to be replaced by someone not thoroughly bland and plotting a triangulating path through the electorate. Hell, it’s entirely possible Biden’s fits and starts of throwing the left a bone occasionally will be “the good times” for progressives. But what I do know is the Joe is almost certain to lose and we need someone who can win. Sub in Kamala or Buttigieg or (ugh) Newsome, it’ll still let me breath a sigh of relief.

  • Starting collective action has always been the big stumbling block for the left-of-center in America. Europeans would riot for far less. We need more unions and unions willing to be political to help act as a nucleus for mass protests to say they can’t just do whatever they want. People should believe they have power other than just voting or signing a petition.

    The Supreme Court made bribery semi-legal, elevated allied presidents to kings, and dismantled the regulations that do most of the heavy lifting to keep our air and water clean. While I concur with many Democrats correct statements about how bad these rulings are, they should be leading people to the streets. Hell, the three dissenting judges should be going before the senate to explain how antithetical to American democracy the most recent ruling is. Stop pretending the system is working when it’s in freefall with no correction in sight.

  • “Don’t freak out, trust the process. Mueller is right now playing 5D chess while Trump is playing checkers. The wheels of justice are slow.”

    There are some legal experts (and personally safe liberals) that are really devoted to the idea that the system works. If there is a big change in the legal system that on its surface seems horribly harmful, we need to look on the bright side rather than question tearing the system apart, because their whole identity is built around it just being a benign system bending toward justice if you wait long enough and the worst thing that could happen would be people losing faith in the “rule of law” and disrupting the status quo.