I mean that’s what you want when it comes to nuclear weapons. Right? Either be the first to know or the last to know. I guess some people would prefer to die in the flash than live and struggle through an apocalypse.
I mean that’s what you want when it comes to nuclear weapons. Right? Either be the first to know or the last to know. I guess some people would prefer to die in the flash than live and struggle through an apocalypse.
Add bread crumbs. Saved you a click.
No, that’s economics not politics.
It’s ironic that the conservatives pushing for this frame it as ‘working class Americans paying off Ivy League debt’, give then context of the current administration firing en mass federal employees with fucking masters degrees working for peanuts.
They keep trying to convince the poor and uneducated that the class war is between them and the college educated. The real class war is between those that have to work to live and those living off of everyone else’s work.
Moreover, Biden’s student debt relief wasn’t even really a benefiting former students all that much since it was debt they largely couldn’t pay off anyway (obviously), it was really a bailout to the banks issuing predatory loans to a captive market of young people without any money, assets, or any financial education, but with decades of their lives to toil away paying interest forever.
In spirit I totally agree with you, but that kind of strategy just doesn’t work anymore. Boycotting Apple is relatively easy. Boycotting Disney is a little harder, unless you’re already a pirate, but not impossible. Then there’s companies like Nestle, arguably worse than any of them. Companies like Nestle, Johnson & Johnson, Kraft, Coca-Cola, and Pepsi are so diversified, with so many subsidiaries and shell companies spread the world over. It is damn near impossible for the average person to boycott Nestle in any meaningful way.
Go ahead and try to boycott just one or two of the corporations in this image. Boycotts may still impact specific brands at a local level, but they have become pretty ineffective against corporations.
All of the boycotts in the world can’t beat the apathy rotting away the foundation of democracy. Boycott one company or brand and another will step in to fill the political void. Apathy keeps young voters out of the voting booths in local elections. These companies have a vested interest in convincing you that your vote doesn’t matter and that government regulation is ineffective. It’s a lie to keep you apathetic and disinterested in politics because your vote is the only part of the system they can’t directly influence.
Reading is about more than reciting facts and quoting sources. Sure, you can read, but you have utterly failed to comprehend the context or the article or the actual substance of my comments.
I understand that common names getting mixed use in families, genus, and species can be confusing, but you’re being willfully obtuse here just to double down on useless pedantry.
Alligator is the common name for the family and also the common name of a few specific species. It’s kind of like how all tortoises are turtles, but not all turtles are tortoises. All caiman are alligators, but not all alligators are caimans.
You’re not really making your own bread unless you grow and harvest the ingredients yourself. What do you mean you don’t mill your own grains? Refine your own sugar?Can’t really even call yourself a baker unless you build your own oven. /s
Cooking and baking are basically ALL prep work and cleanup. The actual cooking and baking is overall a pretty small fraction of the overall effort that goes into making dinner or a loaf of bread. Go ahead and feel proud of yourself if you take on more of those preparatory tasks, IF it makes for a better end result. But that doesn’t mean you get to act superior to somebody else on a different path of their own personal cooking journey. Drawing an arbitrary line in the sand and saying “this is cooking, but that is not” is kind of like drawing a line between blue and indigo on a rainbow. It’s arbitrary and adds little to good the discussion.
Go ahead and cheat on those components where it works. Not everybody has the time, space, energy, or skill to make every bread, sauce, or spice blend from scratch. If you can make something better by getting back to the basics and fundamental ingredients, go for it! But let’s be honest when it’s more about pride than the final product, enjoyment of the meal.
Personally, the biggest reason I prefer to avoid pre-prepared foods that only require heating is so that I can avoid certain common ingredients that are often pumped into those things in insane proportions, particularly salt and sugar. It’s not so that I can feel proud of an arbitrary label.
In no other venue or event (except punk shows deliberately antagonizing literal Nazis) have I witnessed so many (very badly needed) Public Service Announcements for the fans to stop being such racist pricks.
If you’d ever been really swarmed by mosquitoes or lived in a place where they are ever present you’d not be asking this question.
So much jamaharon.
Ah yes, the modern day equivalent of recording radio broadcasts to magnetic tape. Made a few mixtapes that way myself. They were absolute garbage quality and I never listen to them anymore, but it was an interesting exercise and my only option for some stuff at the time.
Now I just buy as directly from the artist as I can for things that are rare enough that they are difficult to pirate.
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Find an online guide. Print to PDF or save as HTML/ODF/whatever you like. Annotate the document. Now notes and article are searchable. I guess a physical book might have an advantage if the power went out, but at that point you’re going to have other problems implementing the things the book suggests.
Which season? You mean which Star Trek, right? Do you want: 60s Technicolor and skirts; Animated not because it’s for kids, but because special effects are expensive and difficult; Androids and friendly Klingons; Frontier space station; One ship alone against an entire quadrant of the galaxy; Time travel and a theme song with words; Tripping through space with the help of mushrooms; Animated, this time for kids; Star Trek, now with more heart; Star Trek: beyond retirement; Star Trek: humor will set us free?
Ask a lawyer for an informed opinion. They’ll (hopefully) have the tools to determine what this easement means for you as a potential homeowner on the parcel. The Maine Geological Survey has an item in their FAQ of some relevance.
I don’t know how common these kinds of easements are in Maine, but I would not purchase any real property that could be used and abused at the whim of a corporation with a team of well paid lawyers.
It seems like a pretty good space filling method for a worm. Probably also has something to do with not eating away the leaf your worm body trailing behind you is clutching.
What did you expect, the GilbertHilbert curve? Wait, is this actually a rough Hilbert curve?
Edit: Gilbert? Why autocorrect? Why? I know no Gilberts. This is the first time I’ve ever intentionally typed Gilbert.
Ron Elving wrote the article, it’s his article published by NPR. That distinction matters because NPR is not some monolithic liberal mouthpiece, despite what zealots on either side might have you believe. Moreover, his opinion piece seems unique in offering any sliver lining to a Trump presidency. All of the other coverage I’ve heard on NPR about Trump, specifically not Republicans in general, has been resoundingly and consistently negative.
I like your schema. I’ve used something similar. My hosts have always been sci-fi space/time ships/stations, user accounts are characters from or Captain’s of said vessels. Over the years I’ve had a TARDIS, Serenity, Moya, Out of Bands II, Galactica, Millennium Falcon, Rocinante, etc. It’s usually whatever I happen to be discovering or binging at the time I setup the machine. For nearly a decade the TARDIS was my server/NAS because it was bigger on the inside that survived through several generations of smaller devices like laptops and raspberry Pi’s named after smaller lighter vessels like Serenity and Rocinante.