WalrusDragonOnABike [they/them]

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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 6th, 2024


  • On one hand, I think some data is better than no data, so I think its fair to say that there is a lack of evidence for it being better in terms of in-game performance after setup based on it and that should just be the null assumption anyways.

    On the other hand, its been over a decade since its been pretty well known that average FPS is not necessarily reflective of overall performance and throwing the frametime data into a spreadsheet and doing =percentile([range],.99) and =percentile([range],.999) and then dragging it to neighboring cells seems like a pretty minimal extra work for a commercialized channel. For niche testing like this, I’m less bothered by it because having some results seems better than nothing, but its still nice to see it pointed out.

  • A single takeaway of my personal opinion from this series of polls is that Gen Z is comfortable with themselves, don’t feel the need to hide, and the older generations are following suit and/or the long fought battle for social change from the older generations have finally yielded an environment that people can just be themselves.

    At least a small part is simply people having the knowledge to realize they are LGBT, but this is probably more relevant for the less common parts of the rainbow. Part of that is just the internet has grown. I found I gravitated towards queer spaces personally despite thinking I was allocishet at the time.

    I can for sure say the general culture today, I would feel comfortable being out in, but in 2012… I would not have been.

    This is still dependent on what type of LGBT you are and what area you are in imo. Personally, I don’t think I’d have had any problem being out as gay in 2012 (pretty sure a fair number of people assumed I was and I thought that was cool), but I’m still plenty uncomfortable being out as trans atm, for example. Granted, part of it was I was in school in 2012 and now I work in the field of education (fortunately not a public school) in Texas.

  • Even if its not fixed or somehow we find a way to change it that isn’t abusive in other ways, it would still be wrong for parents to make that decision for others imo. People deserve more bodily autonomy than that. The problem with PTGA is that it presupposes that being gay is wrong and that’s the primary problem with it. Whether people can choose or not is irrelevant imo. There’s also the secondary problem that the methods used to try to change children are often abusive in other way, but that’s not inherent to it.

  • I sometimes just need to mute something for a second that I’m otherwise listening to. Or I’m switching between multiple sources, and don’t want like 3 or more playing at the same time… usually all on the same domain. I don’t want to have to actually go to the tab and mute it. I’m frequently muting and unmuting things that way to the point that even if its the only source of sound, I still mute by tab instead of just turning my computer volume off sometimes out of habit, so its a deal breaker.

    I think this just says more about the perils of embracing untreated ADHD than the internet itself.

  • Tab groups and non-independent tab muting (seems like it was domain-specific rather than tab-specific last I tried) are the two main things that kept me from switching back to FF as my primary browser (still use it for DTA, for example, but DTA got a big nerf back during the major extension overhaul, so that was a letdown). Tried some extensions, but none really worked in a way I considered usable and didn’t want to just keep trial and erroring through them given I already have a browser that functionally meets my needs, even if I’d rather not be using a chromium browser.

    If native tab groups work well enough, I’ll probably give it another chance.