One is a goofy pop culture icon from the early 2000s with a reputation for kindness and professionalism, and the other is Ellen DeGeneres.
One is a goofy pop culture icon from the early 2000s with a reputation for kindness and professionalism, and the other is Ellen DeGeneres.
Watch out, they might “prank” you by tormenting a homeless person or something
I long to be out there, with my brothers, waging war against the Empire
Oh hi Mark 1:15
A warrior’s drink
How I look in the mirror ☝️
How I look in photos:
As long as the slugs are slowly loaded manually by a bunch of servitors.
If strapping tank treads to a church isn’t peak military competence, I don’t know what is.
I’m currently reading The Expanse, and at one point a character mentions checking in on the family aggregator his cousin set up to help everyone keep track of who’s living where.
Dude spun up a private Lemmy instance for his family. The future is now!
Nah, that’s too realistic for The Onion. It needs to be something like, ‘Pandemonium Ensues After Trump Utters First Coherent Sentence.’
Hanlon was an exceptionally clumsy Gold who had a habit of murdering lowColors with his razor by mistake.
Yeah, I hear you. Prior to 3, I genuinely expected Mass Effect to evolve into the Star Trek of my generation, complete with spin-off shows, movies, books, etc.
That ending sure took the wind out of those sails.
At least with Mass Effect, most of the third act was solid. Plus, there’s always the Indoctrination Theory to help cope (even if it wasn’t intended).
GoT is utterly unsalvageable.
I always upvote Chris & Jack—they gave us July Sixth Park!
Buying a boat is a famously good investment
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Whenever I’m asked to fill out a survey, I always just copy and paste the entire text of Dante’s Inferno from Project Gutenberg.