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Joined 18 days ago
Cake day: February 16th, 2025

  • Rowling was writing about grade school kids going to school. Grade school kids get bored at school. If they live in a world where everyone uses magic and it’s not that special they’re going to get bored of learning about magic sometimes. It’s like if in grade school our teachers spent a bunch of time teaching us how to use computers, phones, and other technological devices. Sometimes it would be cool and interesting and a lot of the time it would be pretty damn boring.

    Plus Rowling wanted the grade school kids reading her books to relate to her characters, so she gave her characters a schooling experience they could relate to. And as much as I hate Rowling, there’s something inherently kind of comedic about a bunch of kids being bored silly learning about magic because it’s something that seems like it should be exciting to us, the reader.

    The boredom of the characters isn’t a failure of the writing or magic system, it works perfectly well for its intended effect.

  • There’s nothing wrong with the magic system because there’s always a reasonable setup and payoff for what can be done with magic and solutions never come out of nowhere as some deus ex machina. The magic system the stories had worked perfectly fine for the stories that were being told. Not every magic system has to be some stupid overly explained BS that takes all of the actual wonder and “magic” out of it.

    Rowling is a piece of shit terf but you Sanderson cultists are still so fucking annoying. There’s more to magic in storytelling than just the exact, specific mechanics of how it works. Read Earthsea.

  • It drove me crazy how much people acted like the Mueller investigation exonerated Trump completely. It absolutely did not and everyone just dropped the topic after it came out. Even Rachel Maddow who seemed to be desperately chasing her Woodward and Bernstein moment with her coverage of the investigation seemed to stop talking about the investigation as soon as the report came out as if there wasn’t anything to talk about, even though a bunch of Trump allies were charged and convicted for engaging in secret dealings with agents related to Russia.

  • What a catastrophically dumb take. People WERE explaining that freedom of speech only prevents the government from taking action against you based on your speech, and even then that it’s limited. If you missed that then you’re too ignorant to be commenting on the subject.

    Calling the phrase fascist is just bafflingly stupid as well. Saying that people are not free from consequences of their speech in NO WAY supports the use of physical force to quell people’s right to participate in politics for the simple act of asking a question. Any interpretation of “freedom of speech isn’t freedom from consequences” that concludes that it means that all speech should be subject to any consequences is embarrassingly brain-dead.

    You’re free to be this clueless on a public forum, but you’re not free from being called out for your dumb take. That is a consequence. It doesn’t mean that a big muscly dude can justifiably take your phone and smash it into pieces so you can’t comment anymore.

  • That doesn’t make it a good thing or something that shouldn’t be off-putting to the people who are being fetishized. It’s normal to be attracted to certain physical features but when you fetishize certain physical characteristics, ethnic/racial backgrounds, etc. you treat those people as a sexualized objects and not a human being who may have a sexual aspect to them but is much more complex than just the often superficial characteristics that are fetishized.

    People want to be perceived as whole, complex human beings, not just carriers of characteristics that provide you sexual gratification which, if you fetishise something about a person, you are doing to them whether you realize it or not. It’s creepy, disrespectful, and dehumanizing.

    Feel free to feel attracted to certain physical characteristics but do not fetishise people.

  • She was obsessed with trying to pursue all these different skills and obsessed over all of the opportunities she made throughout her life and what she lost by not making certain choices. She overloads her daughter by trying to make her “everything” which drives her into a pit of nihilism and drives them apart. She only saves the day by realizing that she would have missed out on just as much that is good in her life by making other choices and by giving up trying to be “everything” to just love and accept her daughter–and by extension her life.

    The message was essentially to appreciate the choices you’ve made and how they shaped the life you live, to appreciate the people around you, and to not obsess over missed opportunities and the pursuit of an impossible “perfect.”