This is literally the Khol’s business model
Salted a few hours beforehand, reverse seared at 250F in the oven until up to temp and seared in cast iron after hitting it with a little extra salt and pepper prior to dropping it in the pan.
I generally use the J Kenji Lopez-Alt prep method, it never fails.
Probably the strip steak. The bison was really dang good
Intelligang represent!
Intellevision may not have the best controller design out there, but the versatility with the different card inserts made playing games easier when I was a kid. Basically a guide in the palm of your hands for each game you owned. Losing them did blow however.
I watched Severance, FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
I like your positive outlook on life. It is a solid silver lining that fewer people will die needlessly, specifically BECAUSE Elon is one of the worst people alive AND a moron causing less people to own one.
It also has terrible build quality, is almost double the price they said it would be, & does zero things better than any of its competitors. Crazy to think that anyone would prefer to purchase something (or you know, literally anything) other than a cybertruck
To shreds you say
Hell, just turning wifi or Bluetooth on and off is a hassle on the iPhone versus a single swipe and tap on Android.
What on earth are you talking about? I’m not going to claim Apple invented it (because they likely stole it from another os like android) but they’ve had the single swipe down control panel on iOS to turn off Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, airplane mode, etc for like a decade+. I have Apple devices, and trust me, there’s plenty to shit on without making stuff up.
He’s more of a rabbit of the people
Lord Charles Hoppy Von Bunnginton III. He had a very regal air about him.
This was taken in summer time